本文介绍了PHP RegEx删除空的段落标签的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试删除CKEditor插入到说明框中的所有空< p> 标签,但它们似乎有所不同。可能性似乎是:

I'm trying to remove all empty <p> tags CKEditor is inserting in to a description box but they all seem to vary. The possibilities seem to be:




<p><br /></p>


<p>(NEWLINE)<br /><br />(NEWLINE)&nbsp;</p>

有了这些可能性,可能会有任意数量的空格,& nbsp ; < br /> 标记位于段落之间,并且在一个段落中可能存在每种标记。

With these possibilities, there could be any amount of whitespace, &nbsp; and <br /> tags in between the paragraphs, and there could be some of each kind in one paragraph.

我也不确定< br /> 标签,从我看到的可能是< br /> < br /> < br>

I'm also not sure about the <br /> tag, from what I've seen it could be <br />, <br/> or <br>.

我一直在寻找类似的答案,但在所有答案中,我都发现它们似乎只能满足其中一个条件情况并非一次全部发生。我想简单地说,我要问的是,是否可以使用正则表达式从某些没有任何HTML的HTML中删除所有< p> 标记

I've searched SO for a similar answer but of all the answers I've seen they all seem to cater for just one of these cases, not all at once. I guess in simple terms what I'm asking is, Is there a regular expression I can use to remove all <p> tags from some HTML that don't have any alphanumeric text or symbols/punctuation in them?



Well, in conflict with my suggestion not to parse HTML with regexes, I wrote up a regex to do just that:




<p> </p> <!-- ([space]) -->

<p> </p> <!-- (That's a [tab] character in there -->


<p><br /></p>


<br /><br />


# /                --> Regex start
# <p>              --> match the opening <p> tag
# (                --> group open.
#   \s             --> match any whitespace character (newline, space, tab)
# |                --> or
#   &nbsp;         --> match &nbsp;
# |                --> or
#   </?\s?br\s?/?> --> match the <br> tag
# )*               --> group close, match any number of any of the elements in the group
# </?p>            --> match the closing </p> tag ("/" optional)
# /                --> regex end.

这篇关于PHP RegEx删除空的段落标签的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 12:22