我需要编写有效且快速的方法来搜索给定模式的字节数组.我是这样写的,你怎么看,如何改进?它有一个错误,它不能返回长度为 1 的匹配项.
I need to write effective and quick method to search byte array for given pattern.I write it this way, what do you think , how to improve? And it has one bug, it cannot return match with length 1.
public static bool SearchByteByByte(byte[] bytes, byte[] pattern)
bool found = false;
int matchedBytes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
if (pattern[0] == bytes[i] && bytes.Length - i >= pattern.Length)
for (int j = 1; j < pattern.Length; j++)
if (bytes[i + j] == pattern[j])
if (matchedBytes == pattern.Length - 1)
return true;
matchedBytes = 0;
return found;
grep 中使用的 Boyer-Moore 算法非常有效,并且对于更长的模式尺寸更有效.我很确定你可以让它在没有太多困难的情况下为字节数组工作,它的 维基百科页面 有一个 Java 实现,应该很容易移植到 C#.
The Boyer-Moore algorithm that is used in grep is pretty efficient, and gets more efficient for longer pattern sizes. I'm pretty sure you could make it work for a byte array without too much difficulty, and its wikipedia page has an implementation in Java that should be fairly easy to port to C#.
这里是 C# 中字节数组的 Boyer-Moore 算法的简化版本的实现.它只使用完整算法的第二个跳转表.根据您所说的数组大小(haystack:2000000 字节,needle:10 字节),它比简单的逐字节算法快约 5-8 倍.
Here's an implementation of a simplified version of the Boyer-Moore algorithm for byte arrays in C#. It only uses the second jump table of the full algorithm. Based on the array sizes that you said (haystack: 2000000 bytes, needle: 10 bytes), it's about 5-8 times faster than a simple byte by byte algorithm.
static int SimpleBoyerMooreSearch(byte[] haystack, byte[] needle)
int[] lookup = new int[256];
for (int i = 0; i < lookup.Length; i++) { lookup[i] = needle.Length; }
for (int i = 0; i < needle.Length; i++)
lookup[needle[i]] = needle.Length - i - 1;
int index = needle.Length - 1;
var lastByte = needle.Last();
while (index < haystack.Length)
var checkByte = haystack[index];
if (haystack[index] == lastByte)
bool found = true;
for (int j = needle.Length - 2; j >= 0; j--)
if (haystack[index - needle.Length + j + 1] != needle[j])
found = false;
if (found)
return index - needle.Length + 1;
index += lookup[checkByte];
return -1;
这篇关于在 C# 中的字节数组中搜索最长模式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!