我有一个基于普通 angular.js 代码的项目.我们用茉莉花创建单元测试.但是现在我们需要获取一些 3rd 方组件(一些来自 Angular-Bootstrap 的指令),它们也是纯 angular.js 内部,但是为了测试这些组件,使用了一些 jQuery 代码和方法调用.现在很多 3rd 方测试都失败了,但像[object] 没有方法 'trigger'
I have a project which is builded on plain angular.js code. We creates unittest with jasmine. But now we need to grab some 3rd party components (some directives from Angular-Bootstrap), which is also pure angular.js inside, but for testing that components some jQuery code and methods calls used. And now a lot of 3rd party tests failed with exception like [object] had no method 'trigger'
and stuff like that
所以我的问题是如何将 jquery 包含到我的测试中,以使 3rd 方 unitests 有效.我使用 Karma 进行测试.
So my question is how to include jquery to my tests, to make 3rd party unitests valid.I run tests with Karma.
只需将 jquery.js 作为第一项包含在文件数组中的 Karma 配置中.
Just include jquery.js to Karma's config in files array as the first item.
module.exports = function(config) {
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
//..rest files
//rest karma options
这篇关于如何将 jquery 添加到 jasmine/angularjs unittests的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!