I need to use PasswordVault in a Java application. The project is already using JNA, so that would be a natural way to do it, but I cannot figure out how to add PasswordVault to the JNA path.
如果可以使用JNA中的C ++ / WinRT或C ++ / Cx然后调用WinRT API非常简单。如果您不能并且需要使用纯C ++,那么您需要自己管理COM包装器,这要复杂得多。有几个样本可以用
来演示从桌面应用程序调用WinRT API,你可以看一下它们的开始(大多数使用C#或C ++ / Cx)。一个例子是https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/sending-toast-notifications-71e230a2
If you can use C++/WinRT or C++/Cx in your JNA then calling WinRT API is pretty straightforward. If you can't and need to use pure C++ then you'll need to manage the COM wrappers yourself which is much more complicated. There are a few samples which demonstrate calling WinRT API from desktop apps which you can look at to get started (most use C# or C++/Cx). One example is at https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/sending-toast-notifications-71e230a2