I am importing a library called libspatialindex from http://libspatialindex.github.com/ into my current project named "rtreelibrarytest" in netbeans. In order to import the same into netbeans I followed the following steps:
- 使用选项=> Build => Linker =>库包括库
- 使用File => Project Properties => Build => C ++ Compiler => General => Include Directories(包括目录)
Now when I build the project as well as the library. The library has been included in the project. I get the following error:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../rtree/spatialindex-src-1.8.0/src/tprtree/.libs/librtree.a', needed by `dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/rtreelibrarytest'. Stop.
我不知道现在应该怎么做。我也是一个新手c ++。有人可以帮忙。
I am not able to figure out as to what should now. Also I am a novice in c++. Can someone please help.
您不需要指定 include
库文件是。我怀疑这是你的问题。您应该只更改include目录以指向 include
You don't need to specify the include
directory where your library file is. I suspect that this is your problem. You should only change the include directory to point at include
directories, not libraries.
您的 1。)
步骤看起来有效,您的 2。)
Your 1.)
step looks valid, your 2.)
appears invalid. You should, however, add the library
path to the linker, if not already present.
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