I'm trying to mock a function in Kotlin
Mockito.mock(Function2<Int, Int, Unit>::class.java)
并显示在类文字的左侧只允许使用类" .获取对静态已知的参数化类的引用的正确方法是什么?现在,我住着一个丑陋的演员
and it says "Only classes are allowed on the left hand side of a class literal". What's the proper way to obtain a reference to a statically known parameterized class? For now I live with an ugly cast
Mockito.mock(Function2::class.java) as (Int, Int) -> Unit
该错误是正确的,并且您提供的解决方案是预期的解决方案.这样做的理由是,由于泛型类型参数在运行时不会得到验证,因此您只能获得表示 class 的对象,而不是表示 type 的对象.
The error is correct and the solution you provided is the intended one. The rationale here is that since generic type arguments are not reified at runtime, you can only obtain an object representing a class, not a type.
There's a workaround though: if you use the class literal syntax through a reified type parameter, substituting it with the desired type at the call site, you'll get the same KClass
object but with the actual arguments you've provided. In your case you can declare the following function:
inline fun <reified T : Any> mock(): T = Mockito.mock(T::class.java) as T
val f = mock<(Int, Int) -> Unit>()