我正在尝试使用 pandoc 将 markdown 文档转换为 pdf,它工作正常,直到它开始显示错误:
I am trying to convert a markdown document to pdf using pandoc, and it was working fine until it just started to show an error:
pandoc: Could not parse YAML header: did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character "source" (line 32, column 85
pandoc: YAML header is not an object "source" (line 17, column 1)
pandoc: Could not parse YAML header: did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character "source" (line 8, column 91)
第 32 行和第 8 行是段落之间的空行,第 17 行是---".
Lines 32 and 8 are blank lines between paragraphs, and all that's on line 17 is "---".
我什至不知道 YAML 是什么,但我不想使用它,只是 MD->LaTeX->PDF.
I don't even know what YAML is, but I don't want to use it, just MD->LaTeX->PDF.
搜索了这些错误,但只能找到提及 YAML 的内容,而不是错误.
Searched for these errors but could only find stuff mentioning YAML, not the errors.
参见 http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#yaml-metadata-block
您的文档中必须有一些看起来像 YAML 元数据块的东西,但实际上不是.这样的块将以 ---
单独一行开始,并以 ---
或 ...
There must be something in your document that looks like a YAML metadata block, but isn't.Such a block would start with ---
on a line by itself and end with ---
or ...
on a line by itself. The line numbers in the error message refer to lines inside the metadata block, not to lines of the document.
By the way, you can turn off YAML metadata block parsing entirely by putting
--from markdown-yaml_metadata_block
在你的 pandoc 命令行中.
in your pandoc command line.
这篇关于pandoc “无法解析 yaml 标头"将 md 转换为 pdf 时的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!