我为一家公司工作,该公司将操作和维护手册以及我们找到的其他信息和媒体转换为在线课程.当前,我们使用Microsoft Word来创建课程,因为经常会收到很多信息,并且这些信息不适合PowerPoint幻灯片,因此我们需要滚动条来显示信息.
I work for a company that converts operation and maintenance manuals and other information and media we find into online courses. Currently, we use Microsoft Word to create the courses because often times, there is a lot of information and it doesn't fit in PowerPoint slides so we need scrollbars to show the information.
我一直在寻找一种兼容SCORM的新创作工具.我的搜索并不十分成功.诸如Adobe Captivate之类的程序将花费很多时间供其他作者学习,并且仅在幻灯片中提供类似时尚的内容.
I have been searching for a new authoring tool that is SCORM compliant. I haven't been very successful in my search. Programs like Adobe Captivate will take a lot of time for the other writers to learn and it only offers content in the slide like fashion.
Anyone have any ideas on good SCORM authoring tools or a way to convert Word documents to SCORM. If it is the latter, what would I need to do to create various quizzes and tests throughout the courses?
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