


What are the options when it comes to SaaS/hosted full text search? How should I evaluate the different options available?

我正在寻找在后端使用 Lucene、solr 或 sphinx 并提供 REST API 以将文档提交到索引和运行搜索的东西.

I'm looking for something that uses Lucene, solr, or sphinx on the backend, and provides a REST API for submitting documents to index, and running searches.

我可以构建自己的 EC2 AMI,但我必须配置 EBS 和其他东西,对其进行监控等.

I could build my own EC2 AMI, but I'd have to configure EBS and other stuff, monitor it, etc.


Websolr 提供了一个基于云的 Solr带有控制面板.在撰写本文时,它处于内部测试阶段,但您可以通过 Heroku 获得该服务.

Websolr provides a cloud-based Solr with a control panel. It's in private beta as of this writing, but you can get the service through Heroku.

另一个托管的 Solr 服务是 PowCloud,也在私人测试版中,它似乎提供了强大的 Wordpress 集成.

Another hosted Solr service is PowCloud, also in private beta, which seems to offer strong Wordpress integration.

SolrHQ:另一个提供托管 Solr 解决方案的 Beta 服务,与 Joomla 和 Wordpress 集成.

SolrHQ: another beta service providing a hosted Solr solution, with Joomla and Wordpress integrations.

Acquia Search 为 Drupal 网站提供 Solr 集成.

Acquia Search offers Solr integration for Drupal sites.

如果您决定构建自己的 EC2 实例,SolrOnAmazonEC2 wiki 页面可能会有用.或者你可以得到 LucidWorks Solr for EC2,这可能是在 EC2 上获取 Solr 的最简单、最快的方法.

If you decide to build your own EC2 instance, the SolrOnAmazonEC2 wiki page might be useful. Or you could just get LucidWorks Solr for EC2, which is probably the easiest and fastest way to get Solr on EC2.

Engine Yard 提供基于云的 Sphinx 服务.


07-29 11:23