我试图理解为什么 String 和 Stringbuilder/StringBuffer 在用作 Hashmap 键时会被区别对待.让我通过以下插图更清楚地说明我的困惑:
I am trying to understand why String and Stringbuilder/StringBuffer are treated differently when used as Hashmap keys. Let me make my confusion clearer with the following illustrations:
示例 #1,使用字符串:
Example #1, using String:
String s1 = new String("abc");
String s2 = new String("abc");
HashMap hm = new HashMap();
hm.put(s1, 1);
hm.put(s2, 2);
Above code snippet prints '1'.
示例 #2,使用 StringBuilder(或 StringBuffer):
Example #2, using StringBuilder(or StringBuffer):
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder("abc");
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("abc");
HashMap hm = new HashMap();
hm.put(sb1, 1);
hm.put(sb2, 2);
The above code snippet prints '2'.
Could anyone please explain why the difference in behaviour.
StringBuilder/Buffer 不覆盖 hashCode 和 equals.这意味着对象的每个实例都应该是唯一的哈希码,并且它的值或状态无关紧要.您应该使用字符串作为键.
StringBuilder/Buffer do not override hashCode and equals. This means each instance of the object should be a unique hash code and the value or state of it does not matter. You should use the String for a key.
StringBuilder/Buffer 也是可变的,这通常不是用作 HashMap 的键的好主意,因为将值存储在其下可能会导致修改后无法访问该值.
StringBuilder/Buffer is also mutable which is generally not a good idea to use as a key for a HashMap since storing the value under it can cause the value to be inaccessible after modification.
这篇关于String Vs Stringbuffer 作为 HashMap 键的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!