


typedef struct
   float3 position;
   float8 position1;
} MyStruct;


I'm creating a buffer to pass it as a pointer to the kernel the buffer will have the previous buffer format.


I understand that I've to add 4 bytes in the buffer after writing the three floats to get the next power of two (16 bytes) but I don't understand why I've to add another 16 bytes extra before writing the bytes of position1. Otherwise I get wrong values in position1.


Can someone explain me why?


float8是8个float的向量,每个float为4个字节.大小为32个字节.根据 OpenCL 1.2规范的第6.1.5节,对齐在类型方面,类型始终与其大小对齐;因此float8必须对齐32个字节.同一部分还告诉我们float3需要4个字.同样,由于结构的sizeof安排为允许结构的数组,因此不会因为对这些特定字段进行重新排序而缩水.在更复杂的结构上,可以通过将较小的字段放在一起来节省空间.

A float8 is a vector of 8 floats, each float being 4 bytes. That makes a size of 32 bytes. As per section 6.1.5 of the OpenCL 1.2 specification, Alignment of Types, types are always aligned to their size; so the float8 must be 32 byte aligned. The same section also tells us that float3 takes 4 words. Also, since the sizeof for a struct is arranged to allow arrays of the struct, it won't shrink from reordering these particular fields. On more complex structs you can save space by keeping the smaller fields together.


07-22 14:11