我在使用ASP.NET MVC项目的启动,已经开始建立我的模型。因为我知道的部分的Ruby on Rails和想用一个系统,类似于Rails的活动记录作为可能的。
I am in the start up of a project using ASP.NET MVC and have started creating my models. Since I know some Ruby On Rails and would like to use a system as similar to Rails Active Record as possible.
有没有人使用的城堡项目活动记录在ASP.NET MVC应用程序(或与其相关的任何应用程序),并有一些经验可以分享?
Have anyone used Castle Projects Active Record in a ASP.NET MVC application (or any application that is relevant) and have some experience to share?
Are MVC and Castle Active Record the right way to go or do you suggest I use LinqToSql instead.
Please share any thoughts and experiences you might have gain.
To clarify; I come from a long ASP.NET and C# background but have looked a little at Rails and love how easy you can create the ORM
我已经用城堡活动记录在ASP.NET MVC。我非常鼓励这种模式,为的ActiveRecord / NHibernate的是更成熟的LINQ to SQL或实体框架。
I have used Castle Active Record with ASP.NET MVC. I highly encourage this model, as ActiveRecord/NHibernate are much more mature that LINQ to SQL or the Entity Framework.
我认为ASP.NET MVC有一个光明的未来,并会推荐它了单轨铁路新项目。然而,正如我所说,ActiveRecord的是(在我看来)卓越的ORM LinqToSQL。
I think that ASP.NET MVC has a bright future and would recommend it over Monorail for new projects. However, as I said, ActiveRecord is (in my view) a superior ORM to LinqToSQL.
这篇关于ASP.NET MVC + ORM的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!