Very new to Maven, can someone please explain to me the difference between using maven modules vs just adding a dependency to your maven project to another maven project in your workspace? When would you use one over the other?
依赖项是预构建的实体.您可以从Maven Central(或Nexus等)中获得有关该依赖关系的工件.通常将依赖关系用于属于其他团队或项目的代码.例如,假设您需要Android中的CSV库.您可以将其作为依赖项.
A dependency is a pre-built entity. You get the artifact for that dependency from Maven Central (or Nexus or the like.) It is common to use dependencies for code that belongs to other teams or projects. For example, suppose you need a CSV library in Android. You'd pull it as a dependency.
A Maven module gets built just like your project does. It is common to use Maven modules for components that the project owns. For example, maybe your project creates three jar files.