I am solving a problem on directed acyclic graph.
But I am having trouble testing my code on some directed acyclic graphs. The test graphs should be large, and (obviously) acyclic.
I tried a lot to write code for generating acyclic directed graphs. But I failed every time.
Is there some existing method to generate acyclic directed graphs I could use?
我编写了一个执行此操作的 C 程序.关键是对节点进行排名",并且只从排名较低的节点到排名较高的节点绘制边.
I cooked up a C program that does this. The key is to 'rank' the nodes, and only draw edges from lower ranked nodes to higher ranked ones.
Here is the code itself, with comments explaining what it means:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MIN_PER_RANK 1 /* Nodes/Rank: How 'fat' the DAG should be. */
#define MAX_PER_RANK 5
#define MIN_RANKS 3 /* Ranks: How 'tall' the DAG should be. */
#define MAX_RANKS 5
#define PERCENT 30 /* Chance of having an Edge. */
int main (void)
int i, j, k,nodes = 0;
srand (time (NULL));
int ranks = MIN_RANKS
+ (rand () % (MAX_RANKS - MIN_RANKS + 1));
printf ("digraph {
for (i = 0; i < ranks; i++)
/* New nodes of 'higher' rank than all nodes generated till now. */
int new_nodes = MIN_PER_RANK
+ (rand () % (MAX_PER_RANK - MIN_PER_RANK + 1));
/* Edges from old nodes ('nodes') to new ones ('new_nodes'). */
for (j = 0; j < nodes; j++)
for (k = 0; k < new_nodes; k++)
if ( (rand () % 100) < PERCENT)
printf (" %d -> %d;
", j, k + nodes); /* An Edge. */
nodes += new_nodes; /* Accumulate into old node set. */
printf ("}
return 0;
And here is the graph generated from a test run:
这篇关于生成随机 DAG的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!