我们遇到了以下问题我们不知道问题是否出在:1.从数据库读取套接字太长,无法达到StuckThreadMaxTime 600s2.数据库查询运行时间太长2.锁定数据库或其他对象
线程转储显示线程被卡住了超过600秒(10分钟),而从SQL Server接收数据.
根据我以前的经验,这可能是长时间运行的数据库查询,也可能是Weblogic和数据库之间的间歇性连接失败 ,从而使套接字处于混乱状态. /p>
这是一次性的还是在其他卡住的线程上使用相同的堆栈跟踪-在同一行上?如果是这样,那么您有机会需要使用SQL Query Analyzer或与其等效的MS-SQL查看数据库查询
We have encountered an issue as belowwe don't know if the problem are:1.socket reading from database is too long that reach the StuckThreadMaxTime 600s2.database query is running too long2.locking on database or other objects
any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
The thread dump shows that the thread has been stuck for longer than 600 seconds (10 mins) while receiving back data from the SQL Server.
In my prev experience this can be either a long running DB query or an intermittent connectivity failure between Weblogic and the database leaving the socket in a state of limbo.
Is this a one-off or is the same stacktrace is available on other stuck threads as well - at the same line ? If it is, then there are chances you need to review the DB query with SQL Query Analyzer or it's equivalent in MS-SQL
If it's a one-off it could be the network issue