


I'm trying to throw an assertion exception whenever the TimeZone.getDefaultRef() method is called, to basically show that this method is never called during the test. The problem is that it's package protected and static, so I think I'm forced to use PowerMock. Here's my attempt:

public class RandomTestingClass {
    public void setup() {
        PowerMock.mockStaticPartialNice(TimeZone.class, "getDefaultRef")
            TimeZone.class.getDeclaredMethod("getDefaultRef")).andStubThrow(new AssertionError());

    public void randomTestThatShouldFailBecauseMethodCallsGetDefaultRefMethod() {

    public void randomTestThatShouldPassBecauseMethodDoesNotCallGetDefaultRefMethod() {

    public void after() {


I'm getting the error java.lang.IllegalStateException: no last call on a mock available, which I've definitely seen before but am not sure how to fix in this context. I'm also open to any other more elegant way to accomplish this. To sum up:

  1. 如果曾经调用过 Timezone.getDefaultRef(),测试应该会失败
  2. >
  3. 测试不应仅仅因为从未调用过该方法而失败(EasyMock期望使用该方法,但永远不会出现)

  4. 一个测试失败不应影响其他测试

  5. 有关TimeZone类的所有其他信息都应正常运行

  1. Test should fail if Timezone.getDefaultRef() is ever called
  2. Test shouldn't fail just because the method is never called (EasyMock is expecting the method but it never comes)
  3. One test failing shouldn't affect the other tests
  4. Everything else about the TimeZone class should operate normally



I am trying to find a workaround but the quick answer is that the method is not mocked. The real method is called instead during the expectation.

PowerMock无法模拟由引导类加载器加载的类。 TimeZone 就是其中之一。

PowerMock can't mock classes loaded by the bootstrap class loader. TimeZone is one of those.


The solution is to mock with is calling it. It's explained here. It says you need to prepare the class calling the system class instead of the system class.

但是对于您而言,我不确定您可以。因为您想知道某个地方是否正在呼叫您的班级。因此,如果您要寻找的是 TimeZone ,则无法准备。除非您的呼叫者范围有限。

But in your case, I'm not sure you can. Because you want to know if something somewhere is calling your class. So you can't prepare whatever is using TimeZone if that is was you are looking for. Unless you have a limited scope of possible callers.


06-26 12:44