我在Windows 7笔记本电脑上安装了gulp-imagemin,使用
npm install --save-dev gulp-imagemin
,经过漫长的过程后,文件夹中的文件超过10,000个,文件夹结构也非常深厚。有没有人看过这个?是否可能是正确的,或者我是否正确地怀疑问题? 是的,这是正确的。我已经在Windows机器上安装了它,并且看到了与您在此处描述的相同的内容。
当我尝试删除gulp-imagemin时,Windows甚至会抱怨目录结构太大,并且无法删除某些文件。这是因为MAX_PATH长度为260个字符;请参阅 msdn.microsoft.com
在GitHub上,我有一个用于处理单页应用程序的初学者应用程序; 我也在其中使用它。
I have installed gulp-imagemin on my Windows 7 laptop using
npm install --save-dev gulp-imagemin
and after a lengthy process ended up with a folder with well over 10,000 files and some very deep folder structures. Has anyone else seen this? Is it likely to be correct or would I be right in suspecting an issue?
Yes it is correct. I've installed it too on my Windows machine and I saw the same thing as you describe here.
The reason it has over 10,000 files and an even more lengthier directory structure is the nature of node modules.
Each and every node module is self containing and has a sub directory node_modules with all it's dependencies. Those dependencies have dependencies as well, resulting in a very deep directory structure.
When I try to remove gulp-imagemin, Windows is even complaining that the directory structure is too large and that it cannot remove certain files. This is because of the MAX_PATH length of 260 characters; see msdn.microsoft.com.
Nevertheless I really, really like this node module and I'm using it in every front end project I work on. Sometimes it takes 2 tries to install it, but I think it's definitely worth it.
On GitHub I have a starter application for working with single page applications; skeletonSPA in which I use it too.