本文介绍了PDO关联数组 - 联想回报的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



$dbInstance = DB_Instance::getDBO();
$statement = $dbInstance->prepare("SELECT id, name FROM language ORDER BY id");
$rows = $statement->fetchAll();

//Create associative array wuth id set as an index in array
$languages = array();
foreach($rows as $r) {
    $languages[$r['id']] = $r['name'];
return $languages;


I can't figure out how to use PDO-statement to achieve the same result that array $languages produces. I've tried some different fetch_styles.


I've tried some different styles and I could get like:

[0] svenska
[1] engelska


[1] svenska
[2] engelska


(where 1 and 2 are the values of id in database)

我想我可以创建一个函数并调用与 FETCH_FUNC ,但我不知道那会是如此之大任。

I guess I could create a function and call that with FETCH_FUNC but I'm not sure that would be so great either.


Is the above the best/cleanest way to do it?



Not really sure if there's any better way. You could try this?

$rows = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$languages = array();

function getLangs($col, $row) {
     $languages[$col['id']] = $col['name'];

array_walk($rows, 'getLangs');


There's nothing wrong with foreach loops. I'd actually use what you've got. It's hard to get cleaner than that...



After carefully re-reading your question, what you REALLY should be asking is whether you can format your QUERY in such a way that the results are returned in a different format.


The way that your normal SELECT query is returned is thusly:

| id |     name |
|  1 |  svenska |
|  2 | engelska |
| .. |      ... |
| .. |      ... |

$row = array(
    row_1 => array(
        id   => "1",
        name => "svenska"
    row_2 => array(
        id   => "2",
        name => "engelska"
    row_2 => array(
        id   => "...",
        name => "..."
    row_2 => array(
        id   => "...",
        name => "..."

$row[$row_number][$column_name] = $value


What you're asking for is for some way to return your query results like THIS:

// Query result is only one row, with each 'id' as column name
// And the 'name' from the same row as it's value...

|       1 |        2 | ... | ... | ... |
| svenska | engelska | ... | ... | ... |

$row = array(
    row_1 => array(
          1 => "svenska",
          2 => "engelska",
        ... => "...",
        ... => "...",
        ... => "..."

$languages = $row[row_1];
$languages[$id] = $name;


I'm not entirely sure you CAN do this in SQL, to be perfectly honest. I would also recommend against it, even if you could. It would be horrendous for a scaling table. If your table is static, then why not format it in the way I just mentioned to begin with? Why not just have it in a static PHP array in an include file?

这篇关于PDO关联数组 - 联想回报的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 17:52