本文介绍了批处理文件手动运行,但不通过 Windows 10 任务计划程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在从任务计划程序运行 .bat 文件方面我真的需要帮助.

I really need help on running a .bat file from the Task Scheduler.

它在从位置运行或从任务计划程序中单击 Run 时运行.

It runs when ran from location or when Run is clicked from Task Scheduler.



The user is my local account is also the admin

.bat文件存放在C:Usersuser1eclipse-workspaceabc中,这是我为填写的Actions 标签中 Settings 下的 Program/Script.

.bat file is stored in C:Usersuser1eclipse-workspaceabc, and this is what iI have filled in for the Program/Script under Settings in Actions tab.

我已取消选中 Conditions 选项卡下的所有选项,(尝试检查 power 选项,仍然不起作用).

I have unchecked all options under Conditions tab, (tried checking the power options, still didnt work).

我希望设置此选项 :: 在用户登录或未登录时运行.

I would prefer to have this option set :: Run when user is logged on or not.


I would like to know what I'm missing or where I'm going wrong with this.

.bat 文件代码为:

.bat file code is :

cd C:Usersuser1eclipse-workspaceabc
set ProjectPath=C:Usersuser1eclipse-workspaceabc
echo %ProjectPath%
set classpath=%ProjectPath%in;%ProjectPath%Lib*
echo %classpath%
java org.testng.TestNG %ProjectPath%	estng.xml



  • 确保在您的任务计划程序设置中关闭以最高权限运行"
  • 在你的 bat 文件中,使用 pushd \network_drive_name 作为第一行代码
  • 在您的 bat 文件末尾,使用 popd \network_drive_name
  • Make sure "Run with highest privileges" is turned off in your task scheduler settings
  • In your bat file, use pushd \network_drive_name as the first line of code
  • At the end of your bat file, use popd \network_drive_name

这篇关于批处理文件手动运行,但不通过 Windows 10 任务计划程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-28 20:36