




Can someone explain me, in what kind of situations it is not certain that the arguments won't be correct? What is the technical gist of that statement?

正如下面帖子中的 Gui13 所指出的,QString错误,当传递char *时。但我测试了以下程序:

EDIT 1As pointed out by Gui13 in the below post, the QString does give an error, when a char* is passed instead. But I tested the following program:

#include <iostream>
#include <QString>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef int (*callback_function)( QString *string);

int MyCallback( std::string string )
    if (string.empty() == false)
        std :: cout << string.length();
    return 0;

int main ()
    /* in another function */
    char *badQstring = (char*)"Booohhh";
    MyCallback( (std::string )badQstring );

它正常工作。这是否意味着Qt的有一些问题wrt回调,这并不意味着上面提到的缺陷是在纯C ++或者我在错误的树咆哮?

It works properly. Does this mean that Qt's has some problems w.r.t callbacks and this does not imply that the flaw mentioned above is in plain C++ too or I am barking at the wrong tree?


好吧,Qt想要你给他一个回调,指向一个QString作为其参数:你的C ++ typedef回调将如下所示:

Well, say Qt wants you to give him a callback that takes a pointer to a QString as its argument: your C++ typedef for the call back will look like:

typedef int (*callback_function)( QString *string);

现在,当这个回调被调用时,你永远不能确保传递的参数真的是一个QString :在C ++中,此语句有效,很可能会导致您的回调失败:

Now, when this callback is called, you can never be sure that the argument passed is really a QString: in C++, this statement is valid and will very likely crash your callback:

int MyCallback( QString *string )
       printf("QString value: %s\n", string->toAscii());

/* in another function */
char *badQstring = "Booohhh";
MyCallback( (QString *)badQstring ); // crash, badQstring is not a QString!

由于C ++允许转换,你永远不能确定什么类型被传递给你的回调。

Since C++ allows casting, you can never be sure of what type is actually passed to your callback.But, well, this statement is valid to whatever function, even if not a callback.


05-28 08:54