我使用的是托管公司,它会列出一个目录中的文件,如果文件 index.html的
I am using a hosting company and it will list the files in a directory if the file index.html
is not there. However, it will use iso-8859-1 as the default encoding. If the server is Apache, is there a way to change it to use UTF-8 as the default instead?
更新:其实,我发现,它实际上是使用HTML 3.2的DOCTYPE,然后有没有字符集在所有...所以不设置任何编码。但是,有没有办法改变它使用UTF-8?
Update: actually, I found that it is actually using a DOCTYPE of HTML 3.2 and then there is not charset at all... so it is not setting any encoding. But is there a way to change it to use UTF-8?
In httpd.conf add (or change if it's already there):
AddDefaultCharset utf-8