本文介绍了在独立应用程序中使用 Jersey 的依赖注入的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



interface Idemo{
  public int getDemo(int i);


class DemoImpl implements Idemo{
  public int getDemo(int i){
    return i+10;

还有一个类依赖于 Idemo

And there is a class which has a dependency on Idemo

class Sample{
  Idemo demo;

  public int getSample(int i){
    return demo.getDemo(i);

现在说我要测试 Sample 类

Now say I want to test Sample class

public class SampleTest extends JerseyTest {
  Sample s;

  protected Application configure() {
    AbstractBinder binder = new AbstractBinder() {
      protected void configure() {
        bind(Sample.class).to(Sample.class); //**doesn't work**
    ResourceConfig config = new ResourceConfig(Sample.class);
    return config;
  public void test_getSample() {
    assertEquals(15, s.getSample(5)); //null pointer exception

这里 Sample 实例没有被创建,s 保持为空.我想这是因为当执行到达指定绑定的行时,这个测试类已经创建.但我不确定.用 Spring Autowired 代替球衣 CDI 相同的作品

Here the Sample instance is not getting created and s remains null.I suppose this is because by the time the execution reaches line where binding is specified this test class has already been created.But I am not sure.With Spring Autowired instead of jersey CDI the same works

如果 Sample 是一个资源/控制器类,测试框架将创建它的一个实例而无需注入它,但是否可以使用 Jersey DI 测试任何其他非 Web 类?

Had Sample been a resource/controller class the test framework would create an instance of it with no need to inject it but is it possible to test any other non-web class using Jersey DI ?


之所以能与 Spring 一起工作,是因为测试类是由 Spring 容器使用 @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class).运行器会将所有托管对象注入到测试对象中.JerseyTest 不是这样管理的.

The reason it works with Spring is that the test class is managed by the Spring container by using @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class). The runner will inject all managed objects into the test object. JerseyTest is not managed this way.

如果您愿意,您可以创建自己的跑步者,但您需要了解一点 HK2(Jersey 的 DI 框架)的工作原理.查看文档.一切都围绕着ServiceLocator.在独立环境中,您可能会看到类似这样的内容来引导 DI 容器

If you want, you can create your own runner, but you need to understand a bit how HK2 (Jersey's DI framework) works. Take a look at the documentation. Everything revolves around the ServiceLocator. In a standalone, you might see something like this to bootstrap the DI container

ServiceLocatorFactory factory = ServiceLocatorFactory.getInstance();
ServiceLocator locator = factory.create(null);
ServiceLocatorUtilities.bind(locator, new MyBinder());


Service service = locator.getService(Service.class);

在测试类的情况下,我们不需要获得对服务对象的任何访问权限,我们可以简单地使用 ServiceLocator 注入测试对象:

In the case of the test class, we don't need to gain any access to the service object, we can simply inject the test object, using the ServiceLocator:


上面,test 是在我们的自定义运行器中传递给我们的测试类实例.这是自定义运行器的示例实现

Above, test is the test class instance that gets passed to us in our custom runner. Here is the example implementation of a custom runner

import java.lang.annotation.*;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.*;
import org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.*;
import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.junit.runners.model.*;

public class Hk2ClassRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {

    private final ServiceLocatorFactory factory = ServiceLocatorFactory.getInstance();
    private Class<? extends Binder>[] binderClasses;

    public static @interface Binders {

        public Class<? extends Binder>[] value();

    public Hk2ClassRunner(Class<?> cls) throws InitializationError {
        Binders bindersAnno = cls.getClass().getAnnotation(Binders.class);
        if (bindersAnno == null) {
            binderClasses = new Class[0];

    public Statement methodInvoker(FrameworkMethod method, final Object test) {
        final Statement statement = super.methodInvoker(method, test);
        return new Statement() {
            public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
                ServiceLocator locator = factory.create(null);
                for (Class<? extends Binder> c : binderClasses) {
                    try {
                        ServiceLocatorUtilities.bind(locator, c.newInstance());
                    } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(ex);

在运行器中,methodInvoker 为每个测试方法调用,因此我们为每个调用的测试方法创建一组全新的对象.

In the runner, the methodInvoker is called for every test method, so we are creating a fresh new set of objects for each test method called.


Here is a complete test case

public class InjectTest {

    public static class Service {

        private Demo demo;

        public void doSomething() {
            System.out.println("Inside Service.doSomething()");

    public static class Demo {
        public void doSomething() {
            System.out.println("Inside Demo.doSomething()");

    public static class ServiceBinder extends AbstractBinder {
        protected void configure() {

    private Service service;

    public void testInjections() {

这篇关于在独立应用程序中使用 Jersey 的依赖注入的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-26 15:21