

这是一个有点长的问题,但我做了它的简洁越好,所以请多多包涵。它看起来对我来说,在的XmlSerializer 类的错误,但之前,我与微软提交它,我想看看是否有什么我已经错过了,这是完全有可能的。

This is a bit of a long question, but I've made it as terse as possible, so please bear with me. It looks to me like a bug in the XmlSerializer class but before I file it with Microsoft I'd like to see if there's anything I've missed, which is entirely possible.


I'm attempting to generate the following XML as a representative case, which is essentially a collection of collections, but where the outer collection has additional elements:

  <Name />
    <Link />
    <Link />
    <Link />
    <Link />


The serialization classes are as follows:

public class Link { }

public class Links
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Link[][] Groups { get; set; }


And a simple test program to run it is as follows:

class Program
    static void Main()
        var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Links));
        var links = new Links { Name = "", Groups = new[] { 
            new[] { new Link(), new Link() }, 
            new[] { new Link(), new Link() } } };
        serializer.Serialize(Console.Out, links);

本使用的伎俩using 的XmlElement 删除集合的父节点,这应该意味着没有&LT;组&GT; 元素被发射,并且包含在外部阵列(这将是类型链接[] )的每个对象中的&LT;组&gt; 元素发射。然而,在运行时,这给从下列异常的XmlSerializer

This employs the trick of using XmlElement to remove the parent node of the collection, which should mean that no <Groups> element is emitted, and for each object contained in the outer array (which will be of type Link[]) a <Group> element should be emitted. However, at runtime, this gives the following exception from the XmlSerializer:

无法生成临时类(结果= 1)。  错误CS0030:无法将类型'链接[] []'到'链接[]'  错误CS0029:无法隐式转换类型'链接[]'到'链接[] []

我的猜测是,序列化是由于某种原因,试图压平的收集,并认为含有外阵列中的类型是链接,而不是链接[] 导致其序列化类的编译失败的类型不匹配。

My guess is that the serializer is for some reason attempting to flatten the collection, and thinks that the type contained in the outer array is Link rather than Link[] which causes the compilation failure of its serialization classes as the types don't match.


What do you think? Is this a bug? And is there a workaround to generate the XML I'm after using the XmlSerializer?


我会建议写一个XML模式,它定义了你想要在你的XML和比使用从其生成相应的序列化code的语法code生成工具(如MS XSD.EXE)。写一个架构是数据验证的好方法呢。即使你不打算用它,而是希望维持Ç自己的$ C $,你至少可以看看生成的code。

I would suggest writing an XML schema, which defines the syntax you want to have in your XML and than generate the corresponding serialization code from it using a code generation tool (e.g. MS xsd.exe).Writing a schema is a good approach for data validation anyway. Even if you do not want to use it later and rather want to maintain the code yourself, you can at least have a look at the generated code.


10-23 16:49