



This phrase is a copied one from a question paper.What is the meaning of that phrase.



用例处理综合函数,而不是分解它们.技术人员分解系统以找到构建它的部分.业务分析师试图将系统的单个部分堆叠成一堆,以便围绕一个目标形成它们.用例描述了系统为参与者提供的独特的单一附加值.事实上,功能分解是大多数人在描述用例时所尝试的:寻找零碎的东西.他们(像我一样)都来自编程公会,这是日常工作.但 UC 综合的工作方式恰恰相反!

Use cases deal with synthesizing functions, not decomposing them. A technician decomposes a system to find the pieces it is built of. A business analyst tries to stack single parts of a system on piles so they are formed around a single goal. A use case describes a unique single piece of added value a systems gives to an actor. Indeed, functional decomposition is what most people try when describing use cases: finding bits and pieces. They all (like me) come from the programming guild where this is the daily job. But UC synthesis is working the exact opposite!

我推荐阅读 Bittner/Spence,他们详细且非常好地解释了这种非常复杂的方法.

I recommend reading Bittner/Spence who explain this very complex approach in detail and very nicely.


10-11 16:27