What does BuildContext
do, and what information do we get out of it?
https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/widgets/BuildContext-class.html 只是不清楚.
https://flutter.io/widgets-intro/#basic-widgets 在术语 BuildContext
的第 9 个实例中有一个示例,但不清楚它是如何使用的.它是让我迷失的更大代码集的一部分,因此我很难理解 BuildContext
https://flutter.io/widgets-intro/#basic-widgets on the 9th instance of the term BuildContext
there is an example, but it's not clear how it is being used. It's part of a much larger set of code that loses me, and so I am having a hard time understanding just what BuildContext
Can someone explain this in simple/very basic terms?
is, like it's name is implying, the context in which a specific widget is built.
如果你以前做过一些 React,那么上下文有点类似于 React 的上下文(但使用起来更流畅);有一些奖金.
If you've ever done some React before, that context is kind of similar to React's context (but much smoother to use) ; with a few bonuses.
Generally speaking, there are 2 use cases for context :
- 与父母互动(主要是获取/发布数据)
- 在屏幕上呈现后,获取屏幕大小和位置
The second point is kinda rare. On the other hand, the first point is used nearly everywhere.
For example, when you want to push a new route, you'll do Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('myRoute')
注意这里的上下文.它将用于获取树中上面 NavigatorState
小部件的最近实例.然后在该实例上调用方法 pushNamed
Notice the context here. It'll be used to get the closest instance of NavigatorState
widget above in the tree. Then call the method pushNamed
on that instance.
Cool, but when do I want to use it ?
BuildContext 当您希望向下传递数据时 非常有用,例如,不必手动将其分配给每个小部件的配置;你会想在任何地方访问它们.但是您不想将它传递给每个构造函数.
BuildContext is really useful when you want to pass data downward without having to manually assign it to every widgets' configurations for example ; you'll want to access them everywhere. But you don't want to pass it on every single constructor.
您可能会创建一个全局或单例;但是当 confs 更改时,您的小部件将不会自动重建.
You could potentially make a global or a singleton ; but then when confs change your widgets won't automatically rebuild.
在这种情况下,您使用 InheritedWidget
In this case, you use InheritedWidget
. With it you could potentially write the following :
class Configuration extends InheritedWidget {
final String myConf;
const Configuration({this.myConf, Widget child}): super(child: child);
bool updateShouldNotify(Configuration oldWidget) {
return myConf != oldWidget.myConf;
And then, use it this way :
void main() {
new Configuration(
myConf: "Hello world",
child: new MaterialApp(
// usual stuff here
多亏了这一点,现在您的应用程序中无处不在,您可以使用 BuildContext
Thanks to that, now everywhere inside your app, you can access these configs using the BuildContext
. By doing
final configuration = context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(Configuration);
更酷的是,所有调用 inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(Configuration)
And even cooler is that all widgets who call inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(Configuration)
will automatically rebuild when the configurations change.
这篇关于在 Flutter 中 BuildContext 做了什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!