本文介绍了电话差距vs React Native的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开始一个侧面项目。它的本机混合应用程序。我已经使用Phonegap / Ionic / Angular很多快速构建应用程序。我现在正在研究React Native。

I'm embarking on a side project. Its a native hybrid app. I've used Phonegap / Ionic / Angular a lot to build apps quickly. I'm researching React Native at the moment.Has anyone who's used both of these have any comments or +/- about each one?


广泛使用。我们已经在生产中使用了React Native大约5个月了,以前曾与Ionic / Angular和Phonegap项目合作了3年。

I've used both extensively. We have been using React Native in production for about 5 months now, and have previously worked with Ionic / Angular, and Phonegap projects for 3 years.

在我看来,React Native的利益,来自于在两个方面都有相当广泛经验的人。

Here are the pros and cons of React Native, in my opinion, from someone who has fairly extensive experience in both. I'm not going to go into Ionic since you already have some experience there.

React Native Cons:

  1. 您必须学习的新技术(如果您还没有使用它,Android环境和对Xcode的理解,则为React)

  2. 新数据架构和框架(Redux / Mobx / Flux / Reflux / etc ...)

  3. 相当全新的文档仍然存在,但还不完全惊人的帮助回答问题)

  4. 学习如何建立样式React Native与CSS非常相似,让您陷入困境,并在开始时挫败你

  1. New technologies that you have to learn (React if you haven't already used it, Android environment & understanding of Xcode)
  2. New data architecture and frameworks (Redux/Mobx/Flux/Reflux/etc...)
  3. Fairly new and documentation is still coming along but not completely there yet (Though the community is amazing at helping answer questions)
  4. Learning how to style React Native is just similar enough to CSS to get you in trouble and frustrate you in the beginning

    React Native Pros:

  1. 开发时间非常快

  2. 在设备上加载时获得惊人的用户体验(体验真实的本地感觉与混合型)

  3. 热重新加载

  4. Flux&类似的数据架构(一旦你学会了解它)

  5. b $ b
  6. 惊奇的社群

  1. Very fast development time
  2. Amazing user experience when loaded on device (true native feel in my experience vs hybrid)
  3. Hot reloading
  4. Flux & similar data architecture (once you learn and understand it)
  5. Fun to build once you learn it
  6. Not a steep learning curve
  7. Amazing community

如果我是要见到某人,推荐其他人,我一定会推荐React Native。话虽这么说,PhoneGap / Cordova和Ionic仍然很坚实,如果你感觉生产力,并不能花一些时间学习一项新技术,我会说,其中一个。

If I were to meet someone and recommend one over the other I would definitely recommend React Native. That being said, PhoneGap / Cordova and Ionic are all still very solid and if you feel productive and are not in the position to spend some time learning a new technology, I would say stick with one of those.

这篇关于电话差距vs React Native的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-18 15:47