I am new to meteor, I was trying to use file upload usingtomitrescak/meteor-uploads
I successfully uploaded some file, but when I tried to delete the uploaded file, I got error in my terminal Reference Error:check is not defined
I have checked the documentation and searched the web regarding this error but could not find any solution for this.
注意:我在学习 http://meteortips.com/second- 时遇到了类似的错误流星教程/iron-router-part-1/
操作系统:Ubuntu 14.04流星:1.2.1
OS: Ubuntu 14.04meteor: 1.2.1
$ meteor add check
在 v1.2 之前的 Meteor 版本中,一个名为 meteor-platform
的核心包用于导出一些符号,包括 check
Longer version
In Meteor version prior to v1.2, a core package called meteor-platform
used to export some symbols, including check
从 v1.2 开始,不再是这种情况,这些符号不再通过平台提供,而是使用专用包.
Since v1.2, this is no longer the case and those symbols are no longer available via the platform, but using dedicated packages instead.
您正在使用的其中一个包(或您的应用程序代码本身)很可能正在使用 check
It is likely that one of the packages that you are using (or your app code itself) is using check
(probably in one of its methods) without declaring it as a dependency.
在包维护者更新依赖项之前,您应该能够通过添加 check
Until the package maintainers update the dependency, you should be able to overcome the error by adding check
as a top-level dependency:
$ meteor add check
如果您确定是哪个包导致了问题,您可以在 GitHub 上报告,或者自己 fork 包,添加缺少的依赖项并提交拉取请求.
If you identify which package is causing the issue, you can report it on GitHub, or fork the package yourself, add the missing dependencies and submit a pull-request.
这篇关于检查未在meteor.js 中定义的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!