节点可以用各种选项启动.特别有趣的是 --inspect
node can be started with various options. Especially interesting is the --inspect
node --inspect node_modules/.bin/jest some.spec.js
是否可以将 --inspect
标志以某种方式传递给 yarn run
Is it possible to pass the --inspect
flag somehow to yarn run
? For example:
yarn run test --inspect some.spec.js
类似问题npm run
There is a similar question for npm run
, where it seems to be not possible.
我不知道 yarn run ...
支持向 NodeJS 传递参数,但是,还有其他几个选项.
I don't know that yarn run ...
supports passing arguments to NodeJS, however, there are a couple of other options.
您可以使用 NODE_OPTIONS 环境变量将参数传递给 NodeJS.例如,
You can use the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable to pass arguments to NodeJS. For example,
export NODE_OPTIONS="--inspect"
yarn run test some.spec.js
在 package.json 中,您可以定义一个脚本来利用这一点:
In the package.json, you can define a script to take advantage of this:
"scripts": {
"test": "jest",
"test:inspect": "NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' yarn run test"
正如你提到的,你可以直接使用 NodeJS,
And as you mentioned, you can use NodeJS directly,
node --inspect ./node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest.js some.spec.js
据我所知,这可能是您仅有的两个选择.但是,这两个选项都适用于 NPM 和 Yarn.
As far as I know, those may be your only two options. However, both options work for both NPM and Yarn.
这篇关于运行“yarn run"时将参数传递给“node"可执行文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!