本文介绍了Spark on YARN 资源管理器:YARN Containers 和 Spark Executors 之间的关系的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 YARN 上的 Spark 新手,不了解 YARN Containers 和 Spark Executors 之间的关系.我根据 yarn-utils.py 脚本的结果尝试了以下配置,可用于找到最佳集群配置.

I'm new to Spark on YARN and don't understand the relation between the YARN Containers and the Spark Executors. I tried out the following configuration, based on the results of the yarn-utils.py script, that can be used to find optimal cluster configuration.

我正在开发的 Hadoop 集群 (HDP 2.4):

The Hadoop cluster (HDP 2.4) I'm working on:

  • 1 个主节点:
    • CPU:2 个 CPU,每个 CPU 6 个内核 = 12 个内核
    • 内存:64 GB
    • SSD:2 个 512 GB
    • CPU:2 个 CPU,每个 CPU 6 个内核 = 12 个内核
    • 内存:64 GB
    • 硬盘:4 x 3 TB = 12 TB

    所以我运行了 python yarn-utils.py -c 12 -m 64 -d 4 -k True(c=cores, m=memory, d=hdds, k=hbase-installed)并得到以下结果:

    So I ran python yarn-utils.py -c 12 -m 64 -d 4 -k True (c=cores, m=memory, d=hdds, k=hbase-installed) and got the following result:

     Using cores=12 memory=64GB disks=4 hbase=True
     Profile: cores=12 memory=49152MB reserved=16GB usableMem=48GB disks=4
     Num Container=8
     Container Ram=6144MB
     Used Ram=48GB
     Unused Ram=16GB

    我通过 Ambari 界面进行的这些设置并重新启动了集群.这些值也与我之前手动计算的大致相符.

    These settings I made via the Ambari interface and restarted the cluster. The values also match roughly what I calculated manually before.


    • 为我的 spark-submit 脚本找到最佳设置
      • 参数 --num-executors, --executor-cores &--executor-memory.
      • to find the optimal settings for my spark-submit script
        • parameters --num-executors, --executor-cores & --executor-memory.

        但是,我发现这篇文章 YARN 中的容器是什么?,但这并没有真正帮助,因为它没有描述与执行者的关系.

        However, I found this post What is a container in YARN? , but this didn't really help as it doesn't describe the relation to the executors.


        Can someone help to solve one or more of the questions?



        I will report my insights here step by step:

        在 YARN 上运行 Spark 时,每个 Spark 执行器都作为 YARN 容器运行.[...]

      • 这意味着容器的数量将始终与 Spark 应用程序创建的执行程序相同,例如通过 spark-submit 中的 --num-executors 参数.

        yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb 设置,每个容器总是至少分配这个数量的内存.这意味着如果参数 --executor-memory 设置为例如只有 1gyarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb 是例如6g,容器比 Spark 应用程序需要的大得多.

        Set by the yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb every container always allocates at least this amount of memory. This means if parameter --executor-memory is set to e.g. only 1g but yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb is e.g. 6g, the container is much bigger than needed by the Spark application.

        反之,如果参数 --executor-memory 设置为高于 yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb 的值,例如12g,Container 会动态分配更多内存,但当请求的内存量小于或等于 yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb 值.

        The other way round, if the parameter --executor-memory is set to somthing higher than the yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb value, e.g. 12g, the Container will allocate more memory dynamically, but only if the requested amount of memory is smaller or equal to yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb value.


        The value of yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb determines, how much memory can be allocated in sum by all containers of one host!

        => 所以设置 yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb 可以让你运行更小的容器,例如对于较小的执行器(否则会浪费内存).

        => So setting yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb allows you to run smaller containers e.g. for smaller executors (else it would be waste of memory).

        =>yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb 设置为最大值(例如等于 yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb) 允许您定义更大的执行器(如果需要,分配更多内存,例如通过 --executor-memory 参数).

        => Setting yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb to the maximum value (e.g. equal to yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb) allows you to define bigger executors (more memory is allocated if needed, e.g. by --executor-memory parameter).

        这篇关于Spark on YARN 资源管理器:YARN Containers 和 Spark Executors 之间的关系的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 04:05