虽然为真:回复 = input('输入文字')如果回复 == '停止':中断打印(回复.上())
输入文本:Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次): 中的文件C:PythonProjects5.py",第 2 行回复 = input('输入文字:')EOFError:读取一行时的EOF[0.2s 内完成,退出代码为 1]
它只在 Sublime Text 2 中.我试过 IDLE,试过命令行,一切都很完美.为什么 Subleme 要冲我大喊大叫?
顺便说一句,也许你也可以解释我在这种情况下 EOF 可能意味着什么.当然,我在文档中读到,如果从输入中读取 EOF,则会引发相应的错误.我想模拟这种情况.输入仅与键盘有关吗?如果是,我应该输入什么键组合来获得 EOF?
我遇到了同样的问题.Sublime Text 的默认控制台的问题在于它不支持输入.
要解决它,您必须安装一个名为 SublimeREPL 的包.SublimeREPL 提供了一个接受输入的 Python 解释器.
while True:
reply = input('Enter text')
if reply == 'stop': break
The result was:
It is only in Sublime Text 2. I tried IDLE, tried command line, everything is perfect.Why should Subleme shout at me?
By the way, maybe you could also explain my what EOF may mean in such situation. Of course, I have read in the documentation, that if EOF is read from input, the appropriate error is raised. I would like to model this situation. Is input only about the keyboard? If yes, what combination of keys should I input to get EOF?
Thank you in advance.
I had the same problem. The problem with the Sublime Text's default console is that it does not support input.
To solve it, you have to install a package called SublimeREPL. SublimeREPL provides a Python interpreter which accepts input.
There is an article that explains the solution in detail.
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