以下是用于问题演示的最少代码: http://pastebin.com/5TXDpSh5
Here is minimal code for issue demonstration:http://pastebin.com/5TXDpSh5
set -e
set -o pipefail
function echoTraps() {
echo "= on start:"
trap -p
trap -- 'echo func-EXIT' EXIT
echo "= after set new:"
trap -p
# we can ensure after script done - file '/tmp/tmp.txt' was not created
trap -- 'echo main-EXIT1' EXIT
echo "===== subshell trap"
( echoTraps; )
echo "===== pipe trap"
echoTraps | cat
echo "===== done everything"
===== subshell trap
= on start:
= after set new:
trap -- 'echo func-EXIT' EXIT
===== pipe trap
= on start:
= after set new:
trap -- 'echo func-EXIT' EXIT
===== done everything
===== subshell trap
= on start:
= after set new:
trap -- 'echo func-EXIT' EXIT
===== pipe trap
= on start:
= after set new:
trap -- 'echo func-EXIT' EXIT
func-EXIT <---- here is the expected difference
===== done everything
注意:我已针对OSX 10.9.2 bash(3.2.51)进行了测试-其他版本的bash在实际预期输出之间具有相同的区别,并描述了
NB: i tested for OSX 10.9.2 bash (3.2.51) - other versions of bash has same difference between actual an expected output, and described bellow
找出此行为是否可预期的唯一方法是询问Chet Ramey(GNU bash维护者).请发送包含您的报告的电子邮件至[email protected]
The only way to find out if this behavior is expected or not is to ask Chet Ramey (GNU bash maintainer). Please send an email with your report to [email protected]
您可以看到,当前的行为似乎是正确的,因为它可以在以下方式显式处理subshell情况: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/tree/execute_cmd.c#n621
You can see that the current behavior seems to be correct, given that it handles the subshell case explicitly in:http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/tree/execute_cmd.c#n621
/* We want to run the exit trap for forced {} subshells, and we
want to note this before execute_in_subshell modifies the
COMMAND struct. Need to keep in mind that execute_in_subshell
runs the exit trap for () subshells itself. */
/* This handles { command; } & */
s = user_subshell == 0 && command->type == cm_group && pipe_in == NO_PIPE && pipe_out == NO_PIPE && asynchronous;
/* run exit trap for : | { ...; } and { ...; } | : */
/* run exit trap for : | ( ...; ) and ( ...; ) | : */
s += user_subshell == 0 && command->type == cm_group && (pipe_in != NO_PIPE || pipe_out != NO_PIPE) && asynchronous == 0;
last_command_exit_value = execute_in_subshell (command, asynchronous, pipe_in, pipe_out, fds_to_close);
if (s)
subshell_exit (last_command_exit_value);
sh_exit (last_command_exit_value);
As you can see, the explicit subshell case is handled as a special case (and so is the case with the command grouping). This behavior has evolved historically, as Adrian found out, due to multiple bug reports.
This is the list of changes for this particular feature (triggering EXIT trap on subshells):
提交: http://git.savannah. gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/commit/?id=a37d979e7b706ce9babf1306c6b370c327038eb9
+ - execute_command_internal: make sure to run the EXIT trap for group
+ commands anywhere in pipelines, not just at the end. From a point
+ raised by Andreas Schwab <[email protected]>
报告: https://lists.gnu .org/archive/html/bug-bash/2013-04/msg00126.html (回复:等待期间不会触发管道子外壳中的EXIT陷阱)
Report: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2013-04/msg00126.html (Re: trap EXIT in piped subshell not triggered during wait)
提交: http://git.savannah. gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/commit/?id=1a81420a36fafc5217e770e042fd39a1353a41f9
+ - execute_command_internal: make sure any subshell forked to run a
+ group command or user subshell at the end of a pipeline runs any
+ EXIT trap it sets. Fixes debian bash bug 698411
+ http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-big/bugreport.cgi?bug=698411
报告: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi -bin/bugreport.cgi?bug = 698411 (退出陷阱,管道和子外壳)
Report: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=698411 (EXIT trap and pipeline and subshell)
提交: http://git.savannah. gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/commit/?id=fd58d46e0d058aa983eea532bfd7d4c597adef54
+ - execute_command_internal: make sure to call subshell_exit for
+ {} group commands executed asynchronously (&). Part of fix for
+ EXIT trap bug reported by Maarten Billemont <[email protected]>
报告: http://lists.gnu .org/archive/html/bug-bash/2012-07/msg00084.html (交互式shell中的退出陷阱)
Report: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2012-07/msg00084.html (EXIT traps in interactive shells)
最近还有一个关于未在某些预期的上下文中执行EXIT陷阱的错误报告: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2016-11/msg00054.html
There is also a recent bug report in relation to the EXIT trap not executing in some expected contexts: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2016-11/msg00054.html