爱堆栈,我的第一篇文章完全无奈。$ b
- 创建App Engine项目
- 在我的应用程序中创建第二代MySQL实例Engine项目
- 在MySQL实例中创建数据库
- 在App Engine中,我激活 - > Google Cloud Shell< - 。 (我在我的console.cloud.google.com命令提示符下工作)
go build mysqlexample.go
database / sql
func main(){
const dbIP =104.xxx.xx.x
const dbInstanceName =esp-1-dev:us-central1:espdev
const dbName =servpro
const dbUserName =root
const dbPassword =xxxxxxx
$ b const const dbOpenString = dbUserName +:+ dbPassword +@ /+ dbInstanceName +/+ dbName // GETS RESPONSE网络默认地址'AppEngine:Zone:Project'unknown
// const dbOpenString = dbUserName +@cloudsql(+ dbInstanceName +)/+ dbName // GETS RESPONSE dial cloudsql:unknown network cloudsql
// const dbOpenString = dbUserName +@ /// +?parseTime = true& loc = UTC// GETS RESPONSE getsockopt:connection refused
// const dbOpenString = dbUserName +:+ dbPassword +@tcp(+ dbIP +:3306)/+ dbName // GETS RESPONSE dial tcp 104.xxx.xxx.x:3306:getsockopt:连接超时
//从堆栈溢出中获得此值。 GoDocs不会更新以反映第二代数据库。
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38890022/tls-requested-but-server-does-not-support-tls-error-with-google-cloud-sql-2nd
/ / user:password @ cloudsql(copiedPastedInstanceConnectionName)/ d atabaseName?charset = charset& collation = co llation& tls = tlsConfi gName& parseTime = true
/ / username:password @ cloudsql(appID:CloudSQLInstance)/ databasename?parseTime = true& loc = UTC
db,err:= sql.Open(mysql,dbOpenString);
defer db.Close()
err = db.Ping()
if err!= nil {
log.Println(db.Ping()failed:+ dbOpenString)
} else {
App Engine标准版:
user:密码@ cloudsql(INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME)/ dbname
App Engine灵活:
user: password @ unix(/ cloudsql / INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME)/ dbname
Love the Stack, My first post out of complete frustration. Thanks for you comments!
- Created App Engine Project
- Created Second Generation MySQL Instance in my App Engine Project
- Created Database in the MySQL Instance
- In App Engine, I activate the --> Google Cloud Shell <--. ( I am working at a command prompt in my console.cloud.google.com)
I have copied this basic GO program to connect to my MySQL instance.
I build it and run it.go build mysqlexample.go./mysqlexample
I have not been able to achieve a successful connection. You can see all the various connection strings that I have tried and to the right of them is the response I get.
I can connect from my local windows machine using mysql admin.
package main
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
func main() {
const dbIP = "104.xxx.xx.x"
const dbInstanceName = "esp-1-dev:us-central1:espdev"
const dbName = "servpro"
const dbUserName = "root"
const dbPassword = "xxxxxxx"
const dbOpenString = dbUserName + ":" + dbPassword + "@/" + dbInstanceName + "/" + dbName //GETS RESPONSE default addr for network 'AppEngine:Zone:Project' unknown
//const dbOpenString = dbUserName + "@cloudsql(" + dbInstanceName + ")/" + dbName //GETS RESPONSE dial cloudsql: unknown network cloudsql
//const dbOpenString = dbUserName + "@/" //+ "?parseTime=true&loc=UTC" //GETS RESPONSE getsockopt: connection refused
//const dbOpenString = dbUserName + ":" + dbPassword + "@tcp(" + dbIP + ":3306)/" + dbName //GETS RESPONSE dial tcp 104.xxx.xxx.x:3306: getsockopt: connection timed out
// Got this from stack overflow. GoDocs are not updated to reflect 2nd Gen databases.
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38890022/tls-requested-but-server-does-not-support-tls-error-with-google-cloud-sql-2nd
//First Generation Connection String
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", dbOpenString);
defer db.Close()
log.Println("Attempting Ping of database....")
err = db.Ping()
if err != nil {
log.Println("db.Ping() failed: " + dbOpenString)
} else {
解决方案 The following are the correct connection strings, but they differ depending on which version of App Engine you are connecting from.
App Engine Standard:
App Engine Flexible:
这篇关于从App Engine连接到CloudSQL(第二代CloudSQL)转到的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!