


My axis labels often look not good (too close to tick labels) when I use Matplotlib.

如何设置刻度标签和轴标签之间的距离?我只需要扩大星数"标签和相应的刻度标签之间的距离即可.也许乳胶 \ vspace {} 正在工作,但我不知道如何实现. fig.subplots_adjust(left =)不是解决方案.

How to set distance between tick labels and axis label? I just need to enlarge distance between "Number of stars" label and corresponding tick labels. Maybe latex \vspace{} is working but I don't know how to implement it. fig.subplots_adjust(left=) is not a solution.


要使轴标签远离轴,可以在所使用的相应方法的可选 labelpad 参数中包含一个参数.设置标签,即 ax.set_ylabel() ax.set_xlabel() .此参数采用标量,该标量是轴与 points 中给出的标签之间的间距.

To move the axis label further away from the axis, you can include an argument to the optional labelpad parameter of the corresponding method used to set the label, i.e. ax.set_ylabel() or ax.set_xlabel(). This parameter takes a scalar which is the spacing between the axis and the label given in points.

为使用 底图的drawparallels() 方法,我相信您可以在参数 xoffset yoffset 中加入参数,取决于要更改文本位置的轴.这些参数的参数具有地图宽度的单位",例如 xoffset = 0.05 使x-ticks的偏移量为地图宽度的5%.

As to achieve the same effect when using the drawparallels() method of Basemap, I believe you can include an argument to the parameters xoffset or yoffset, depending on which axis you want to alter the placement of the text. The arguments of these parameters have "units" of map width, meaning e.g. xoffset=0.05 makes the offset of the x-ticks 5 % of the map width.


09-05 11:57