isDigit :: Char - > Bool
isDigit c = c> ='0'&& c< ='9'
parseNumber :: String - > Maybe(String,String)
parseNumber [] = Just(,)
| isDigit h
| p == Nothing = Just([h],ls) - 找到数字<<<错误!!
|否则=正好(h:fst d,snd d) - 以数字
|结尾h =='。'
| p == Nothing = Nothing - 以点
|结束not('。'`elem`(snd d))= Just(h:(fst d),snd d) - 我们不需要多个点
|否则=无 - 不是数字,停止查找!
p = parseNumber ls
只需d = parseNumber ls - 浮点版本p。如果p是Nothing,则不使用
不,但您可以使用案例, d像:
parseNumber :: String - > Maybe(String,String)
parseNumber [] = Just(,)
| isDigit h =
()| p == Nothing = Just([h],ls)
|否则=正好(h:fst d,snd d) - 以数字
|结尾h =='。'=
()| p == Nothing = Nothing
| not('。'`elem`(snd d))= Just(h:(fst d),snd d)
p = parseNumber ls
只是d = parseNumber ls
另外,如果以多种方式运作,如果以相似的方式运作( if True | p1 - > b; | p2 - > c
)。 b
Haskell newbie here, trying to write code to parse math expressions.Code:
isDigit :: Char -> Bool
isDigit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
parseNumber :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
parseNumber [] = Just ("", "")
parseNumber (h:ls)
| isDigit h
| p == Nothing = Just([h], ls) -- Digit found <<< ERROR!!
| otherwise = Just (h:fst d, snd d) -- Ends in a digit
| h == '.'
| p == Nothing = Nothing -- Ends in a point
| not ('.' `elem` (snd d)) = Just (h:(fst d), snd d) -- We don't want multiple dots
| otherwise = Nothing -- Not a number, stop looking!
p = parseNumber ls
Just d = parseNumber ls -- Float version of p. Not used if p is Nothing
This function is supposed to take a string that starts with a number, and returns the number separated from the rest of the expression. Example:
I think this nested guards' syntax reads really nicely, but it doesn't work.The error reads, for the marked line:
Are chained guards not allowed in Haskell? Or am I writting this wrongly somehow? Also, what alternatives do I have to chain logic in a simple way?
No, but you can use cases if you'd like:
parseNumber :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
parseNumber [] = Just ("", "")
parseNumber (h:ls)
| isDigit h =
case () of
() | p == Nothing = Just([h], ls)
| otherwise = Just (h:fst d, snd d) -- Ends in a digit
| h == '.' =
case () of
() | p == Nothing = Nothing
| not ('.' `elem` (snd d)) = Just (h:(fst d), snd d)
| otherwise = Nothing
p = parseNumber ls
Just d = parseNumber ls
Alternatively, multiway if works in a similar manner (if True | p1 -> b ; | p2 -> c