
发布时间:2008年1月16日星期三17:52 GMT 我在微软的团队工作,在Office中实施VBA,我可以告诉你告诉你VBA绝对会继续在下一个版本的 Office(14)中发货。 我不知道Phil在哪里获取他的信息但是他断言我们正在从Windows Office中删除VBA支持,这是假的。 -------- 问候 JensDid you read the comments there ?Quote:--------By Zac WoodallPosted Wednesday 16th January 2008 17:52 GMTI work on the team at Microsoft which implements VBA in Office and I cantell you that VBA will absolutely continue to ship in the next version ofOffice (14).I''m not sure where Phil is getting his information, but his assertion thatwe''re dropping VBA support from Windows Office is false.--------RegardsJens 这完全是*错误*。 Tony - Tony Toews,Microsoft Access MVP 请仅在新闻组中回复,以便其他人可以 阅读整个消息主题。 Microsoft Access Links,Hints,Tips&会计系统 http://www.granite.ab.ca /accsmstr.htm Tony的Microsoft Access博客 - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/ 这家伙怎么能发布一些事实显然是完全 错了?How can that guy post something as fact that is apparently completelywrong? 这篇关于访问未来?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-20 12:31