

3 个小时以来,我一直在努力完成这项工作,但没有得到我想要的结果.我想显示在线和离线状态的用户列表.

Hi since 3 hour I am trying to make this work but not getting the result as I want. I want to display user list with online and offline status.



and here what I tried to get status result.

$loggedtime = time() - 300; // 5 minutes

$query = 'SELECT userid, handle FROM ^users WHERE loggedin = '.$loggedtime.' ORDER BY userid ASC';

// below are scripts function qa_ pleses refer this http://www.question2answer.org/functions.php

$result = qa_db_query_sub($query);
$users = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result);

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

if($row['userid'] > $loggedtime){
    echo $row['handle'].' is online';
} else {
    echo $row['handle'].' is offline';


foreach($users as $user){
    if($user['userid'] > $loggedtime){
        echo $user['handle']. ' is online';
    } else {
        echo $row['handle'].' is offline';

以上代码均无效.我是 MYSQL 和 PHP 的新手,只知道基本的所以请帮我解决这个问题.

None of above code working. I am new to MYSQL and PHP just know basic so please help me to solve this.


I have tried now this but not working

foreach($users as $user){
                if($user['loggedin'] > $loggedtime){
                    echo $user['handle']. ' is online';
                } else {
                    echo $row['handle'].' is offline';

编辑 2

$query = "SELECT
    userid, handle,
        WHEN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, loggedin, NOW()) < 300
            THEN 'Online'
        ELSE 'Offline'
    END AS 'status'
FROM ^users
ORDER BY userid";

$result = qa_db_query_sub($query);

while($user = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
    echo $user['handle'] . '<BR/>';


请检查此新方法用户在线离线状态 - 离线状态问题


既然你修复了用户 id 比较,让我们解决下一个问题..

Since you fixed the user id comparison, let's address the next issue..

您正在尝试将字符串 DATE 与 unix 时间戳进行比较.让我们将它们设为相同类型并进行比较:

You're trying to compare a string DATE versus a unix timestamp. Let's make them the same type and compare:

foreach($users as $user)
  $user_time = strtotime($user['loggedin']);
  if($user_time > $loggedtime)
    echo $user['handle']. ' is online';
  } else {
    echo $row['handle'].' is offline';


Overall not the best way to approach this problem, but it might get this working for you. The database solution above is probably best.


08-20 07:07