


I've been trying to figure out how to add the attribute "checked" to a checkbox on click. The reason I want to do this is so if I check off a checkbox; I can have my local storage save that as the html so when the page refreshes it notices the checkbox is checked. As of right now if I check it off, it fades the parent, but if I save and reload it stays faded but the checkbox is unchecked.

我试过了$(本).attr( '检查');但它似乎不想添加已检查。

I've tried doing $(this).attr('checked'); but it does not seem to want to add checked.


After reading comments it seems i wasn't being clear.My default input tag is:

<input type="checkbox" class="done">


I need it top be so when I click the checkbox, it adds "checked" to the end of that. Ex:

<input type="checkbox" class="done" checked>


I need it to do this so when I save the html to local storage, when it loads, it renders the checkbox as checked.

$(".done").live("click", function(){
if($(this).parent().find('.editor').is(':visible') ) {
var editvar = $(this).parent().find('input[name="tester"]').val();
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$(this).parent().fadeTo('slow', 0.5);
$(this).attr('checked'); //This line

$(this).parent().fadeTo('slow', 1);


似乎这是其中罕见的场合之一使用属性实际上是合适的。 jQuery的 attr()方法不会对你有所帮助,因为在大多数情况下(包括这个)它实际上设置了一个属性,而不是属性,这使得它的名字选择看起来有些愚蠢。 [更新:自jQuery 1.6.1起,]

It seems this is one of the rare occasions on which use of an attribute is actually appropriate. jQuery's attr() method will not help you because in most cases (including this) it actually sets a property, not an attribute, making the choice of its name look somewhat foolish. [UPDATE: Since jQuery 1.6.1, the situation has changed slightly]

IE有一些问题DOM setAttribute 方法但在这种情况下应该没问题:

IE has some problems with the DOM setAttribute method but in this case it should be fine:

this.setAttribute("checked", "checked");


In IE, this will always actually make the checkbox checked. In other browsers, if the user has already checked and unchecked the checkbox, setting the attribute will have no visible effect. Therefore, if you want to guarantee the checkbox is checked as well as having the checked attribute, you need to set the checked property as well:

this.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
this.checked = true;


To uncheck the checkbox and remove the attribute, do the following:

this.setAttribute("checked", ""); // For IE
this.removeAttribute("checked"); // For other browsers
this.checked = false;


08-19 15:22