本文介绍了RestKit RKMappingTest JSON 数组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 RestKit ~> 0.20.3 和 RestKit/Testing ~> 0.20.3.所以这是我的映射示例:

I'm using RestKit ~> 0.20.3 and RestKit/Testing ~> 0.20.3. So this is an example of my mapping:

RKObjectMapping *mapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[PlayerVO class]];
[mapping addAttributeMappingsFromArray:@[@"firstName", @"middeName", @"lastName", @"dob", @"sex"]];


NSDictionary *data = @{@"players": @[@{@"firstName": @"Ahmed", @"middleName": @"Ahmed", @"lastName": @"Ahmed", @"dob": @"100", @"sex": @"m"}]};


RKMappingTest *mappingTest = [RKMappingTest testForMapping:mapping sourceObject:data destinationObject:nil];


RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation *expectation = [RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation expectationWithSourceKeyPath:@"players.firstName" destinationKeyPath:@"firstName" evaluationBlock:^BOOL(RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation *expectation, RKPropertyMapping *mapping, id mappedValue, NSError *__autoreleasing *error) {
    BOOL expect = [mappedValue length] > 0;


    return expect;

[mappingTest addExpectation:expectation];

XCTAssertTrue([mappingTest evaluate]);
XCTAssertNoThrow([mappingTest verify]);

所以这个测试失败了,因为 data 是一个数组,所以我似乎没有办法指定要遵循的关键路径.这是我得到的错误:

So this test fails as there doesn't seem to be a way I can specify a key path to follow as the data is an array. This is the error I get:

testPlayerServiceGetPlayers] : (([mappingTest verify]) does not throw) failed: throwing "0x8e7d770: failed with error: (null)
RKMappingTest Expectations: (
    "map 'players.firstName' to 'firstName' satisfying evaluation block"
Events: (
) during mapping from {
    players =     (
            dob = 100;
            firstName = Ahmed;
            lastName = Ahmed;
            middleName = Ahmed;
            sex = m;
} to (null) with mapping <RKObjectMapping:0x8e6aad0 objectClass=PlayerVO propertyMappings=(
    "<RKAttributeMapping: 0x8e6b880 firstName => firstName>",
    "<RKAttributeMapping: 0x8e61df0 middeName => middeName>",
    "<RKAttributeMapping: 0x8e2f580 lastName => lastName>",
    "<RKAttributeMapping: 0x8e67a60 dob => dob>",
    "<RKAttributeMapping: 0x8e2c120 sex => sex>"


NSDictionary *data = @{@"firstName": @"Ahmed", @"middleName": @"Naseer", @"lastName": @"Nuaman", @"dob": @"524534400", @"sex": @"m"};


And the expectation's expectationWithSourceKeyPath to @"firstName", the tests pass. So this leads me to believe the issue is clearly relative to setting the key path. Now in my app that's done using:

RKResponseDescriptor *responseDescriptor = [RKResponseDescriptor responseDescriptorWithMapping:mapping method:RKRequestMethodAny pathPattern:nil keyPath:@"players" statusCodes:statusCodes];

但是,我找不到为 RKMappingTestRKPropertyMappingTestExpectation 设置 keyPath 的方法,关于如何实现这一点的任何想法?

However I can't find a way of setting the keyPath for a RKMappingTest or RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation, any ideas on how I can achieve this?


所以我查看了RKMappingTest.h 并找到了rootKeyPath.我设置了以下内容:

So I had a look throughRKMappingTest.h and found the rootKeyPath. I set the following:

mappingTest.rootKeyPath = @"players";

并且仍然有关于 RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation 中的 mappedValue 的问题.所以我也把我的数据改成了这样:

And still was having problems regarding the mappedValue in the RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation. So I also changed my data to this:

NSDictionary *data = @{@"players": @{@"firstName": @"Ahmed", @"middleName": @"Ahmed", @"lastName": @"Ahmed", @"dob": @"100", @"sex": @"m"}};

现在我可以看到 mappedValue 现在设置为 Ahmed 并将 RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation 更新为以下内容:

And now I can see that mappedValue is now set to Ahmed and updated the RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation to the following:

RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation *expectation = [RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation expectationWithSourceKeyPath:@"firstName" destinationKeyPath:@"firstName" evaluationBlock:^BOOL(RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation *expectation, RKPropertyMapping *mapping, id mappedValue, NSError *__autoreleasing *error) {
    return [mappedValue isEqualToString:@"Ahmed"];


But this is using an object rather than an array. Any more suggestions?


您错误地考虑了测试,更具体地说是测试的范围.这是一个单元测试,单元是映射.映射处理单个项目,这就是修改后的测试有效的原因 - 因为范围是正确的.

You're thinking about testing, and more specifically the scope of testing, wrongly. This is a unit test, and the unit is the mapping. The mapping deals with individual items and that is why your modified test works - because the scope is correct.


Response descriptors have a different scope. You can't test the scope of a response descriptor in a mapping test.

这篇关于RestKit RKMappingTest JSON 数组的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 10:15