不久前我将 Xcode 更新到第 4 版.这个新版本在索引项目上花费了大量时间(它相当大).这就是为什么我想禁用索引.通过 Xcode 帮助和互联网搜索没有结果.
Not a long time ago I updated Xcode to version 4. This new version spent a lot of time on indexing the project (it's quite large). That's why I would like to disable indexing. Searching through Xcode help and internet gave no results.
Open a terminal window and paste this command:
defaults write com.apple.dt.XCode IDEIndexDisable 1
您将失去一些功能(自动完成、跳转到定义、某些助手无法正常工作).但是你会获得 ram 和 cpu.
You'll lose some features (autocomplete, jump to definition, some of the assistants won't work right). But you'll gain back ram and cpu.
对于我的项目,Xcode 从使用 2 Gigs 到几百 MB.(我非常需要用它来编译;))
For my project Xcode went from using 2 Gigs to a few hundred MB. (which I sorely needed to compile with ;))
这篇关于如何在 Xcode 4 中禁用索引?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!