I'm trying to animate route transitions in angular 4, the animation works when the page first loads, and on page refreshes, so I know the animation works, however not when I switch routes. what am I missing?
animations: [fadeInAnimation]
// tempalte
<div class="route-container" [@fadeInAnimation]>
.route-container {
.route-container>* {
trigger('fadeInAnimation', [
// route 'enter' transition
transition(':enter', [
// css styles at start of transition
style({ opacity: 0 }),
// animation and styles at end of transition
animate('6s cubic-bezier(.35,0,.25,1)', style({ opacity: 1 }))
In order to make sure routing animation proc on each route you will need to define transitions between each route. The following is an example that I use to create a drawer effect when transitioning between my 'home' route and my 'acct' route:
import { trigger, animate, style, group, query, transition } from '@angular/animations';
export const baseAnimation =
trigger('baseAnimation', [
transition('acct => home', [
query(':enter, :leave', style({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0 })),
query(':leave', style({ height: '*'})),
query('.acct', [
style({ height: 0 }))
transition('home => acct', [
query(':enter, :leave',
style({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0 })),
query(':enter .acct', [
style({ height: 0 }),
animate('300ms', style({ height: '*' }))
请注意, .acct
Note that .acct
refers to a class label for the account page route, and may not be necessary for your application (or may need to be changed accordingly). In this manner you can animate sub-elements of each route on route changes.
我在 app.component.html 中使用一个函数来处理路线动画:
I use a function in my app.component.html to process route animations:
<div [@baseAnimation]="prepareRouteTransition(outlet)">
<router-outlet #outlet="outlet"></router-outlet>
app.component.ts 应该加载动画并声明路线的动画:
And the app.component.ts should load the animations and declare animations for the route:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { baseAnimation } from './anim/base.animation';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
animations: [ baseAnimation ]
export class AppComponent {
constructor() { }
prepareRouteTransition(outlet) {
const animation = outlet.activatedRouteData['animation'] || {};
return animation['value'] || null;