当我将构建上传到新的 Apple 拥有且集成了 iTunes Connect 的 TestFlight 时,我看到以下日志:
When I upload a build to the new Apple owned and iTunes Connect-integrated TestFlight, I see the following log:
警告 ITMS-90191:缺少测试版权利.您的应用程序不包含 beta-reports-active 权利.如果您打算通过 TestFlight 分发此版本以进行 Beta 测试,请使用新生成的配置文件重新构建此应用."
当我在 iTunes Connect 上查看构建时,我还看到以下警告:
When I look at the build on iTunes Connect, I also see the following warning:
要使用 TestFlight Beta 测试,构建 X.Y.Z 必须包含正确的 Beta 授权.如需了解详情,请参阅常见问题解答.
要使用 TestFlight 应用测试您的预发布版本,必须使用包含 Beta 版授权的 App Store Distribution Provisioning 配置文件对其进行签名.在 iOS 开发人员中心生成的新分发配置文件将自动包含测试版权利.
如果您有在 TestFlight Beta 测试启动之前生成的现有分发配置文件,则必须重新生成该配置文件.
If you have an existing Distribution Provisioning Profile that was generated before the launch of TestFlight Beta Testing, you must regenerate the profile.
问题是我正在使用新创建的 App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile.我是这样创建的:
The problem is that I am using a newly created App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile. I created it like so:
When I inspect the source of the downloaded Provisioning Profile, I see:
// ...
// ...
因此,为 production
设置了配置文件,并且确实包含 beta-reports-active
So the Provisioning Profile is set for production
and does contain the beta-reports-active
然而,当这个版本上传到 TestFlight 时,iTunes Connect 继续抱怨.
However, iTunes Connect continues to complain when this build is uploaded to TestFlight.
有关如何解决此问题的任何想法?这是 Apple 的错误吗?
Any ideas on how to fix this issue? Is this an Apple bug?
首先,请确保您使用的是 App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile.这可能是与您用于签署 Apple TestFlight 之前版本的 Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning Profile 不同的配置文件.
First, be sure that you are using an App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile. This is likely a different provisioning profile from the Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning Profile you were using to sign pre-Apple TestFlight builds.
在我切换到 App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile 之后,我继续遇到错误 ITMS-90191 .我通过在 Xcode 项目中将 beta-reports-active
键添加到我的 Target 的 Entitlements.plist
I continued to hit Error ITMS-90191 after I switched to an App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile. I fixed the issue by additionally adding the beta-reports-active
key to my Target's Entitlements.plist
file in the Xcode project.
The beta-reports-active
key must be included in the Provisioning Profile AND the Target's entitlements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
// ...
// ...
在将权利添加到我的目标后,我能够成功地将构建上传到 iTunes Connect TestFlight,而没有 ITMS-90191
After adding the entitlement to my Target, I'm able to successfully upload the build to iTunes Connect TestFlight without the ITMS-90191
这篇关于Apple TestFlight 上传警告 ITMS-90191:缺少“beta-reports-active"权利的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!