我需要设计一个报告,在指定的 x,y 坐标上打印文本
i need to design a report that will print text on specified x,y coordinates
例如,我将输入 (50,50)、(60,60)、(70,70) 并且我将让我的程序在报告上的这些特定坐标处打印文本.总共会有大约 50 个不同的坐标.
for example, i will input (50,50), (60,60), (70,70) and i will have my program print text at those specific coordinates on the report. in total there will be about 50 different coordinates.
how do i achieve this? should i be using a label control or a textbox? should i be creating the controls dynamically or should i already have controls set at the specified regions?
通常这是在创建某种类型的 Access 向导时完成的,而不是在使用生产应用程序期间完成的.您可以使用 CreateControl,但必须先在设计模式下打开表单.这可能与您的 Access 版本不匹配,可能需要进行调整.如何使用 CreateControl() 和 CreateReportControl() 函数
Usually this is done when creating some type of Wizard for Access and not during the usage of a production application. You can use CreateControl but the form has to be opened in design mode first. This probably doesn't match your version of Access and may need to be adjusted.How to Use the CreateControl() and CreateReportControl() Functions
This is what it was like in the days of pre-printed forms (sometimes in triplicate) and dot matrix printers. I suggest you take a management role, and suggest they scrap the paper forms, buy a laser printer and make this task about a hundred times easier.
这篇关于ms-access:设计报告:在特定的 x,y 坐标上打印文本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!