

假定可以在sysfs中将gpio X导出为输入引脚,然后在/sys/class/gpio/中创建一个名为gpioX的目录. gpioX/包含少量文件,例如"value",它们代表gpio X的当前状态(高或低).

Assume that the gpio X can be exported in sysfs as an input pin, after doing that a directory called gpioX will be created into /sys/class/gpio/. gpioX/ contains few file such as "value" which represents the current state of the gpio X (high or low).


What happens (in kernel space) when the signal applied to the pin X changes its state (for example from low to high)?


I mean, before the transition gpioX/value contains "low", but after that it will contain "high" value. How is this file updated by the OS?


I think that an interrupt mechanism is required.Does it use an interrupt mechanism to update sysfs?


除非支持轮询,否则不需要中断机制( man poll )或备用的异步通知.至少在大多数版本中,/sys/class/gpio/仅在有人读取文件时才读取GPIO级别.

It does not require an interrupt mechanism unless it supports polling (man poll) or alternate asynchronous notifications. At least with most version, the /sys/class/gpio/ only does a read of the GPIO level when someone reads the file.

sysfs debugfs configfs procfs 等是虚拟文件系统.当您访问文件时,Linux内核中的代码将运行以提供该值. sysfs 仅提供类似于接口的文件;这并不表示它已得到支持的实际状态.状态是可以随时读取的GPIO级别.

sysfs, debugfs, configfs, procfs, etc are virtual file systems. When you access the file, code within the Linux kernel runs to provide the value. sysfs only provides a file like interface; that doesn't mean it is backed with actual state. The state is the GPIO level which can be read at any time.

gpio_value_show()似乎是当前的实现.您用中断描述的内容是可能的.可以通过sysfs_set_active_low()函数或 sysfs 文件/sys/class/gpio/gpioN/edge 完成.如果GPIO不支持中断,则写入文件可能会返回错误.参见 gpio .txt 获取更多信息(尤其是您的特定Linux版本).

gpio_value_show() appears to be the current implementation. What you describe with interrupts is possible. It can be done through the sysfs_set_active_low() function or the sysfs file /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/edge. Writing to the file may return an error if the GPIO doesn't support interrupts. See gpio.txt for more (especially for your particular version of Linux).


07-22 14:14