本文介绍了建模 NHibernate 查询的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


通常我会将我的标准/hql 查询放在与实体相关的存储库/dal 类中,但最近我一直在考虑添加另一个表示查询是什么的抽象,这将使我有可能添加基类中所有查询(例如分页)的常见行为等.

Usually I'd put my criterias/hql queries in a repository/dal class related to the entity, but lately I'be been thinking of adding another abstraction that represents what a query is, this would give me the possibility of adding common behavior to all queries (e.g. pagination) in a base class, etc.



generic interface not related to nhibernate:

public interface IQuery<T>
    IList<T> List();
    T Single();

基于标准的查询的示例实现,可以使用 Hql 查询或 nhibernate-linq 查询完成类似的操作

Example implementation of a Criteria based query, something similar could be done with an Hql query, or a nhibernate-linq query

public abstract class CriteriaQuery<T>: IQuery<T>
    public ISessionFactory SessionFactory { protected get; set; }

    protected ISession Session
        get { return SessionFactory.GetCurrentSession(); }

    protected abstract ICriteria Configure(ICriteria criteria);

    public virtual IList<T> List()
        var criteria = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof (T));

        return Configure(criteria)

    public virtual T Single()
        return Configure(Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)))


and here a domain specific query would look like:

public interface IGetVideosQuery: IQuery<Video>
    IGetVideosQuery Page(int index);
    IGetVideosQuery PageSize(int pageSize);

    IGetVideosQuery AllTime { get; }
    IGetVideosQuery Today { get; }
    IGetVideosQuery LastWeek { get; }


any thoughts on this? possible problems you see I might come across?Thanks!



I took a different path, that of CQS. What this does is that it separates my mutating logic from my query logic.


Now, there are different ideas on how to implement this, and I choose this one:

  • 我所有的变异逻辑都是使用像 DeactivateUserChangeRelationAddress 这样的命令激活的.对于这个业务逻辑,我有你描述的普通存储库;

  • All my mutation logic is activated using command like DeactivateUser and ChangeRelationAddress. For this business logic, I have normal repositories like you describe;


For displaying data, I use a completely managed system. With this system, I describe queries like the Specification Pattern. I describes the base table and the fields. The query system automatically creates the joins for me and with filter definitions I provide filters.

这个系统允许我降低存储库的复杂性,因为我不必考虑用户可能设置的过滤器或ORDER BY.显示此数据的系统会使用 Criteria 自动创建过滤器并为我处理分页.

This system allows me to keep the complexity of my repositories down because I do not have to think about filters a user may set or ORDER BY's. The system that displays this data automatically creates the filters using Criteria and handles paging for me.


Maybe such a system can work for you.

这篇关于建模 NHibernate 查询的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-21 00:36