


I was trying to update my userprofile with the following controller but the problem is if i update only profile picture it shows the above error..But if i update every value it update successfully. How do i update the userProfile without updating every value :

public function updateUser(Request $request)
    $this->validate($request, [
        'profile_picture' => 'dimensions:width=400,height=400',
        'cover_picture' => 'dimensions:width=800,height=400',
        'avatar' => 'dimensions:width=80,height=80',

if (\Auth::check())
    $user= User::find(\Auth::id());

$files= [];
if($request->file('profile_picture'))   $files[] = $request->file('profile_picture');
if($request->file('cover_picture'))   $files[] = $request->file('cover_picture');
if($request->file('avatar'))   $files[] = $request->file('avatar');

foreach($files as $file)
            $filename = time().str_random(20). '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();

$user->profile_picture = $filenames[0];
$user->cover_picture = $filenames[1];
$user->avatar = $filenames[2];

return redirect::back()->with('Warning',"Profile Updated Successfully");



使用这样的位置数组,我认为这样做不明智,正如您所发现的,如果有人只想更新其头像,该怎么办?我觉得您分配给 $ files [] 是多余的,您可以直接处理代码.

I don't think it's wise using a positional array like this, As you've discovered, what if someone only wants to update their avatar. I feel your assignment into $files[] is redundant and you could go straight into your processing code.

基本上,您当前的实现意味着 $ files 可以具有可变长度,您怎么知道0、1或2等?

Basically your current implementation means $files can be of a variable length, how do you know which is 0, 1 or 2 etc ?

使用我的方法,代码现在循环遍历每种类型的图片,并通过相同的匹配type属性将其直接分配给 $ user-> $ type 的用户.

With my approach, the code is now looping over each type of picture, and assigns it into the user with $user->$type directly by the same matching type property.

foreach( array( 'profile_picture', 'cover_picture', 'avatar' ) as $type)
    if( $request->file( $type ) )
        $filename = time() . str_random(20) . '.' . $request->file( $type )->getClientOriginalExtension();
        $request->file( $type )->move( 'users/', $filename );
        $user->$type = $filename;

如果发现需要将其他$ source映射到$ type变量,则可以使用附加的数组索引来完成此操作...

If you find you need to map a different $source to the $type variable, you could do this with an additional array index...

foreach( array(
  'profile_picture' => 'profile_picture',
  'cover_picture' => 'cover_picture',
  'avatar' => 'avatar'
  ) as $source => $type)
    if( $request->file( $source ) )
        $filename = time() . str_random(20) . '.' . $request->file( $source )->getClientOriginalExtension();
        $request->file( $source )->move( 'users/', $filename );
        $user->$type = $filename;


07-19 01:25