

我知道我可以简单地从开始迭代到结束并清除那些单元格,但我想知道它是不是可能以任何更快的方式(可能使用JNI-ed System.arrayCopy )?

I know I can simply iterate from start to end and clear those cells but I was wondering if it was possible in any faster way (perhaps using JNI-ed System.arrayCopy)?



If I got it right, you need to nullify an array, or a sub-range of an array containing references to objects to make them eligible for GC. And you have a regular Java array, which stores data on-heap.

回答你的问题, System.arrayCopy 是使数组的子范围无效的最快方法。它比 Arrays.fill 在内存方面更糟糕,因为你必须分配两倍的内存来保存引用,在最坏的情况下,你可以复制一个空数组。虽然如果你需要完全使数组为空,那么更快就是创建一个新的空数组(例如 new Object [desiredLength] )并替换你想要的数组用它。

Answering your question, System.arrayCopy is the fastest way to null a sub-range of an array. It is worse memory-wise than Arrays.fill though, since you would have to allocate twice as much memory to hold references at worst case for an array of nulls you can copy from. Though if you need to fully null an array, even faster would be just to create a new empty array (e.g. new Object[desiredLength]) and replace the one you want to nullify with it.

不安全 DirectByteBuffer DirectLongBuffer 实现在一个天真的直接实现中没有提供任何性能提升(即如果你只是用数组 code> DirectByteBuffer 或不安全)。它们比批量 System.arrayCopy 慢。由于这些实现与Java Array 无关,因此无论如何它们都超出了您的问题范围。

Unsafe, DirectByteBuffer, DirectLongBuffer implementations doesn't provide any performance gain in a naive straight-forward implementation (i.e. if you just replace the Array with DirectByteBuffer or Unsafe). They are slower then bulk System.arrayCopy as well. Since those implementations have nothing to do with Java Array, they're out of scope of your question anyway.

这是我的JMH基准测试(完整的基准测试代码)代码段,包括 unsafe.setMemory 案例,根据@apangin评论;并包括 ByteBuffer.put(long [] src,int srcOffset,int longCount),如@ jan-chaefer;以及 Arrays.fill 的等效循环,根据@ scott-carey来检查 Arrays.fill 是否可以是内在的在JDK 8中。

Here's my JMH benchmark (full benchmark code available via gist) snippet for those including unsafe.setMemory case as per @apangin comment; and including ByteBuffer.put(long[] src, int srcOffset, int longCount) as per @jan-chaefer; and an equivalent of Arrays.fill loop as per @scott-carey to check if Arrays.fill could be an intrinsic in JDK 8.

public void arrayFill() {
    Arrays.fill(objectHolderForFill, null);

public void arrayFillManualLoop() {
    for (int i = 0, len = objectHolderForFill.length; i < len; i++) {
        objectHolderForLoop[i] = null;

public void arrayCopy() {
    System.arraycopy(nullsArray, 0, objectHolderForArrayCopy, 0,

public void directByteBufferManualLoop() {
    while (referenceHolderByteBuffer.hasRemaining()) {

public void directByteBufferBatch() {
    referenceHolderByteBuffer.put(nullBytes, 0, nullBytes.length);

public void directLongBufferManualLoop() {
    while (referenceHolderLongBuffer.hasRemaining()) {

public void directLongBufferBatch() {
    referenceHolderLongBuffer.put(nullLongs, 0, nullLongs.length);

public void unsafeArrayManualLoop() {
    long addr = referenceHolderUnsafe;
    long pos = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        unsafe.putLong(addr + pos, 0L);
        pos += 1 << 3;

public void unsafeArraySetMemory() {
    unsafe.setMemory(referenceHolderUnsafe, size*8, (byte) 0);

这是我得到的(Java 1.8,JMH 1.13,Core i3-6100U 2.30 GHz,Win10):

Here's what I got (Java 1.8, JMH 1.13, Core i3-6100U 2.30 GHz, Win10):

100 elements
Benchmark                                       Mode      Cnt   Score   Error    Units
ArrayNullFillBench.arrayCopy                   sample  5234029  39,518 ± 0,991   ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.directByteBufferBatch       sample  6271334  43,646 ± 1,523   ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.directLongBufferBatch       sample  4615974  45,252 ± 2,352   ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.arrayFill                   sample  4745406  76,997 ± 3,547   ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.arrayFillManualLoop         sample  5549216  78,677 ± 13,013  ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.unsafeArrayManualLoop       sample  5980381  78,811 ± 2,870   ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.unsafeArraySetMemory        sample  5985884  85,062 ± 2,096   ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.directLongBufferManualLoop  sample  4697023  116,242 ±  2,579  ns/op <-- wow
ArrayNullFillBench.directByteBufferManualLoop  sample  7504629  208,440 ± 10,651  ns/op <-- wow

I skipped all** the loop implementations from further tests
** - except arrayFill and arrayFillManualLoop for scale

1000 elements
Benchmark                                 Mode      Cnt    Score   Error    Units
ArrayNullFillBench.arrayCopy              sample  6780681  184,516 ± 14,036  ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.directLongBufferBatch  sample  4018778  293,325 ± 4,074   ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.directByteBufferBatch  sample  4063969  313,171 ± 4,861   ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.arrayFillManualLoop    sample  6270397  543,801 ± 20,325  ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.arrayFill              sample  6590416  548,250 ± 13,475  ns/op

10000 elements
Benchmark                                 Mode      Cnt     Score   Error    Units
ArrayNullFillBench.arrayCopy              sample  2551851  2024,543 ± 12,533  ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.directLongBufferBatch  sample  2958517  4469,210 ± 10,376  ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.directByteBufferBatch  sample  2892258  4526,945 ± 33,443  ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.arrayFill              sample  2578580  5532,063 ± 20,705  ns/op
ArrayNullFillBench.arrayFillManualLoop    sample  2562569  5550,195 ± 40,666  ns/op

说到 ByteBuffer 不安全 - 他们的主要好处是他们在堆外存储数据,你可以实现自己的内存释放算法,这将比普通的GC更好地解决你的数据结构问题。所以你不需要使它们无效,并且可以随意压缩内存。很可能这些努力不值得,因为现在你可以更容易获得性能较差且更容易出错的代码。

P.S.Speaking of ByteBuffer and Unsafe - their main benefits in your case is that they store data off-heap, and you can implement your own memory deallocation alghorithm which would siut your data-structure better than regular GC. So you won't need to nullify them, and could compact memory as you please. Most likely the efforts won't worth much, since it would be much easier to get a less performant and more error-prone code then you have now.


07-17 20:38