I have a function where if the user clicks on a button, it will display a value in the textbox and it will perform a trigger to another function after a '#btn' button is clicked:
function addwindow(numberAnswer, gridValues, btn) {
如果用户点击了 #btn+gridValues
If the user has clicked on a #btn+gridValues
button, then display the number in the textbox of the number of buttons which are currently turned on or in other words perform this code:
if ($('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').data('data-ignore') != true) {$('.answertxt', context).val(context.find('.answerBtnsOn').length > 0 ? context.find('.answerBtnsOn').length : 0);}
问题是第 1 步工作正常,在用户单击添加"按钮后,它会显示文本框中答案数"列中的数字.
The problem is that step 1 works fine, it does display the number from the "Number of Answers" column in the textbox after the user has clicked on the "Add" button.
问题是第 2 步,在用户单击 #btn+gridValues
The problem is step 2, it is not displaying the correct number on how many buttons are currently turned on after the user has clicked on the #btn+gridValues
button.It just doesn't change the number in the textbox.
Does anyone know why this is happening and how thi can be fixed?
Here is a demo of the application. Please follow the steps below:
步骤 1:在左侧,您会看到一个绿色的加号按钮,单击它会打开一个模式窗口.第二步:在模态窗口有一个搜索栏,输入AAA"并提交搜索,你会看到一堆行出现.第三步:在最后一行,在答案数"栏下看到数字4,点击该行内的添加"按钮,模态窗口将关闭.
Step 1: On left hand side you will see a green plus button, click on it and it opens up a modal window.Step 2: In modal window there is a search bar, type in "AAA" and submit search, you will see a bunch of rows appear.Step 3: In the last row, you see under "Number of Answer" colum that it contains the number 4, click on the "Add" button within this row, the modal window will close.
您将看到文本框在文本框中显示数字 4,这很好,因为这是添加行时答案数"列下的行内的数字.
You will see that the textbox displays the number 4 in the textbox which is fine as that was the number within the row under the "Number of Answers" column when you added the row.
第 4 步:如果您单击打开网格"链接并选择按钮 3,您将看到下面的字母按钮变为 A-C,并且仅打开了字母B".
Step 4: If you click on the "Open Grid" link and select button 3, you will see the letter buttons below change to A-C with only letter "B" turned on.
在文本框中它应该显示数字 1,因为只有 1 个按钮被打开,但它不显示这个数字,这就是我遇到的问题.
In the textbox it should display number 1 as only 1 button is turned on, but it doesn't display this number and that is the problem I am having.
问题来自于您将 $('#mainNumberAnswerTxt')
上的数据属性设置为 false 的事实但您正在检查输入(点击中的this
The problem comes from the fact taht you're setting the data-attribute to false on the $('#mainNumberAnswerTxt')
but you're checking against the inputs (this
in the click).
一种解决方案是进行以下测试 if ($('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').attr('data-ignore') != true)
One solution would be to do the following test if ($('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').attr('data-ignore') != true)
To ensure that the ignore process execute only once (when the grid is reloaded after the modal), you'll have to change what's inside the block after the test:
if ($('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').data('ignore') != true) {
$('.answertxt', context).val(context.find('.answerBtnsOn').length > 0 ? context.find('.answerBtnsOn').length : 0);
} else {
/*reset the ignore flag*/
主要问题是您在设置后重新影响了 $('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').val(numberAnswer)
.您试图通过 ignore
The main problem is that your reaffecting the $('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').val(numberAnswer)
after setting it. Your trying to ignore it through the ignore
What i would adivse, would be to remove every occurence to that attribute and to change the following function
function addwindow(questionText,textWeight,numberAnswer,gridValues,reply,btn) {
var answers = $.map(btn.split(''),function(chr){ return "#answer"+chr; }).join(', ');
if($(plusbutton_clicked).attr('id')=='mainPlusbutton') {
var myNumbers = {};
myNumbers["A-C"] = "3";
myNumbers["A-D"] = "4";
myNumbers["A-E"] = "5";
myNumbers["A-F"] = "6";
myNumbers["A-G"] = "7";
gridValues = myNumbers[gridValues];
return false;
function addwindow(questionText,textWeight,numberAnswer,gridValues,reply,btn) {
var answers = $.map(btn.split(''),function(chr){ return "#answer"+chr; }).join(', ');
if($(plusbutton_clicked).attr('id')=='mainPlusbutton') {
var myNumbers = {};
myNumbers["A-C"] = "3";
myNumbers["A-D"] = "4";
myNumbers["A-E"] = "5";
myNumbers["A-F"] = "6";
myNumbers["A-G"] = "7";
gridValues = myNumbers[gridValues];
/* moved the following line below the click simulation,
hence its value will be changed regardless of what happened during the click simulation*/
return false;
In order to modify the value after the visual changes took place.