


My function while have a problem. When I comment this line doesn't have error in monitor serial, but, when I use all function show this error on monitor serial.

void windvelocity(){
speedwind = 0;
counter = 0;
attachInterrupt(0, addcount, RISING);
unsigned long millis();
long startTime = millis();
while(millis() < startTime + period) {


When I make upload this function to wemos, the Serial Monitor print this

ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0x2d
csum 0x2d



This ain't a error message but a standard boot message. To properly answer your question we would need to know what board exactly you use, how you connected your parts (what pins, voltage, etc), what parts and of course the full code.


Please remember that the breakout boards for the esp8266 (for example the node mcu) are confusing sometimes. So always double check what pins you want to use and what pins you declared in your code.

例如,如果您想拥有 D0 作为某物(可能是LED)的输出,您必须将其声明为输出。

For example, if you want to have D0 as the output for something, probably a LED, you will have to declare it as output.

pinMode(16, Output);           // set pin to output


Or when wanting to use it as input (for example for sensors) use

pinMode(16, Input);            // set pin to input

为什么要使用 16 您问> D0 ?看看有关如何将引脚称为输入或输出的更多信息。在那里,您可以看到要使用的引脚。

Why 16 when wanting to use D0 you ask? Take a look at this for more information on how to refer to the pins as input or output . There you can see what pins to use.


07-17 03:24