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我有两个使用 generate scaffolding 生成的模型,一个是 LogBook,另一个是 LogEntry.我想在 LogBook 显示页面上为 LogEntry 呈现部分表单.当我在局部调用 render 时,我收到此错误:
NilClass:Class 的未定义方法 `model_name'
我认为这是因为默认的 _form 使用了一个实例变量,当从单独的控制器调用时该变量不存在.所以我尝试将 LogEntry _form.html.erb 转换为使用局部变量并通过渲染调用将它们传入.在此之后是错误:
Model LogEntry 不响应 Text
class LogBook :破坏结尾类 LogEntry "log_book", :foreign_key =>log_book_id"结尾
LogEntry _form.html.erb(使用局部变量):
<%结束%><div class="field"><%= f.label :Text %><br/><%= f.text_field :Text %>
<div class="actions"><%= f.submit %>
LogBook show.html.erb:
<p><b>名称:</b><%=@log_book.name %></p><%= render 'log_entries/form', :log_entry =>@log_book.LogEntries.new %><%= link_to '编辑', edit_log_book_path(@log_book) %>|<%= link_to 'Back', log_books_path %>
'/log_entries/form', :log_entry =>@log_book.log_entries.build %>
你的路径必须以/开头才能让 Rails知道你是相对于视图文件夹的.
不应是模型的有效列名.试试 :text
I have two models generated with generate scaffolding, one is a LogBook the other is LogEntry. I want to render the form partial for LogEntry on the LogBook show page. When I call render on the partial I get this error:
undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
I assume it is because the default _form uses an instance variable which isn't present when called from a separate controller. So I tried converting the LogEntry _form.html.erb to use local variables and passed them in via the render call. After this here is the error:
Model LogEntry does not respond to Text
How can I include this partial into the show page form a different controller?
class LogBook < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :User
has_many :LogEntries, :dependent => :destroy
class LogEntry < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :LogBook, :class_name => "log_book", :foreign_key => "log_book_id"
LogEntry _form.html.erb (using local variable):
<%= form_for(log_entry) do |f| %>
<% if log_entry.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(log_entry.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this log_entry from being saved:</h2>
<% log_entry.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :Text %><br />
<%= f.text_field :Text %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
LogBook show.html.erb:
<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
<%= @log_book.name %>
<%= render 'log_entries/form', :log_entry => @log_book.LogEntries.new %>
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_log_book_path(@log_book) %> |
<%= link_to 'Back', log_books_path %>
You can render whatever partial you want as long as you give it's path from the view folder:
<%= render :partial => '/log_entries/form', :log_entry => @log_book.log_entries.build %>
Your path must begin with a / to let Railsknow you're relative to the view folder.
Otherwise it's assumed to be relative to your current folder.
As a sidenote, it's good practive to avoid using instance variables in partial, you did it right then.
Just seen you have an error in your partial's form:
Should not be a valid column name of your model. Try :text