Okay, I'm not sure I'm understanding this concept properly (I'm learning PHP). If I understand correctly:Global variables can be referenced anywhere in the same document, or in documents linked with "include." Local variables can only be referenced in the function where they are.
Okay, if I understand that correctly (which is half of the reason I'm posting, to make sure I have that right) is there really a need for local variables? I mean, if each user defined their own variables and they needed to all be saved, I can see it being useful... kind of? But, using a database for that would be much simpler I'd think. What situations would I want to use local variables in?
您的问题一直很有意义,直到您要求 local 变量的需求.总体而言,应尽可能避免使用全局变量.
You're question was making sense right up to the point where you asked for the need of local variables. On the whole, you should avoid global variables as much as you can.
我经常写一些工具/webapp,并且只有两个或三个 own 全局变量用于设置实际的应用程序.
It's not uncommon for me to write some tool/webapp and have only two or three of my own global variables, that I use to set the actual application in motion.
$db = new PDO($conn, $usr, $pass);
function select(array $fields, $tbl, $where = '')
global $db;//use the global variable
return $db->query('SELECT '.implode(', ', $fields).' FROM '.$tbl.' WHERE '.$where);
In itself, you might argue that this code will work fine all the time. It's clear what $db
is, and so there's no obvious error here.
However, suppose you include a couple of other files that use the same $db
var, and there's a bug in one of those files, that causes $db
to be reassigned:
$db = 'I used to be a PDO instnace';
select(array('*'), 'tbl');
这将显示一个错误,将您指向读取return $db->query();
的行,并显示类似试图调用非对象的方法" 之类的内容.
This will show an error that will point you to the line that reads return $db->query();
and it'll say something like "trying to call method of non-object".
祝您调试顺利! $db
Good luck debugging that! Where was $db
reassigned? there's no way to know except for sifting through your code step by step.
It might still be where you last left it, but chances are its state (or value) has been changed (significantly) by some other entity/entities (people or code), who might have used your wallet (or variable) as their own, blissfuly unaware you left it there for future reference. When writing classes or functions, you refer to your collegues who will use that code as the user, too. So even if they meant no harm, a global is an accident, waiting to happen.
Incidentally, the function arguments are local variables, so I'm sure you're using them already, without knowing it.
function select(PDO $connection, array $fields, $tbl = 'tbl', $where = null)
$query = 'SELECT '.implode(', ', $fields).' FROM '.$tbl;
$query .= $where !== null ? ' WHERE '.$where : '';
return $connection->query($query);
In this funciton I've created a local variable to make the code more readable/maintainable. Like I said, all the arguments are local variables, too, so after this function returns, any memory that was allocated to accomodate the values they held can be freed. When you're using global variables, the Garbage Collector can't do its job, because the variables remain in scope, and might be used further down the code. The memory is only freed once the script has finished running.
全局变量(全局范围内的变量)会产生混乱的代码,当您尝试避免名称冲突时,您会发现自己声明了$i_for_looping_over_array1 = 0;
Globals (vars in the global scope) make for messy code, as you try to avoid name conflicts, you're going to find yourself declaring vars like $i_for_looping_over_array1 = 0;
好吧,这可能有点极端,但是无论如何,您最终都将使用伪命名来命名var,所以为什么不使用 proper 命名空间,作用域,类等呢?
Ok that might be a bit extreme, but you'll end up pseudo-namespacing your vars anyway, so why not use proper namespaces, scopes, classes, etc.?
Whenever you use the global
keyword inside a function, you're effectively saying: look for a variable called $someName
, which can be anywhere. Passing that same variable as an argument, is telling the function use this.
When passing an object, you're actually passing a reference to that object (ie its address), so there's no lookup required. Primitives are copied, so there's no lookup either.
想想自己是一名调酒师.您想在哪里工作? Pub AllIsGlobalHere,在您的第一天,老板就说:如果客户要东西,瓶子可以在任何地方,地窖,地板或右上角的橱柜",或Pub CheckTheArguments.后者是您跳进去的地方,当客户要啤酒时,您的老板和/或客户会帮助您指出应参考的草案.
Think of yourself as a bartender. Where would you rather work? Pub AllIsGlobalHere, where, on your first day, your boss said: "If a customer asks for something, the bottle could be anywhere, the cellar, the floor or the top-right cupboard", or Pub CheckTheArguments. The latter being the place where you jump right in, and when a customer asks for a beer, your boss and/or customer helpfully point out which draught you should refer to.